0 Old HSK word(s):
* *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

recklessly, foolishly / wildly
type of creeping plant / turnip
fortune telling / prophesy

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

A Die Nahrungsmittel: Das Gemüse: Karotte + * +

Carotin, Carotine, Karotin (Eig, Chem) [hu2 luo2 bo5 su4] 胡萝卜素
Carotinoid, Carotinoide (S, Chem) [lei4 hu2 luo2 bo5 su4] 类胡萝卜素
Karotin (S) [hu2 luo2 bo5 su4] 胡萝卜素
Karotte (S) [hu2 luo2 bo5] 胡萝卜
Möhre, Mohrrübe, Karotte (S, Ess) [hu2 luo2 bo5] 胡萝卜

2.2 Pflanzenarten Karotte + Carrot + 胡萝卜 +
16.6 Speise, Gericht Möhre + Carrot + 胡萝卜 +
16.6 Speise, Gericht Mohrrübe + Carrot + 胡萝卜 +