0 Old HSK word(s):
* *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

begin, commence, originate
affair, matter, business / to serve / accident, incident

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

Amokfahrt (S) [feng1 kuang2 jia4 che1 bing4 zhao4 shi4] 疯狂驾车并肇事
Fahrerflucht (S) [jiao1 tong1 shi4 gu4 zhao4 shi4 tao2 yi4] 交通事故肇事逃逸
Giftmischerin, Giftmischer (fig.) (S) [zhao4 shi4 zhe3] 肇事者
Unfallverursacher [jiao1 tong1 zhao4 shi4 an4 fan4] 交通肇事案犯
Unfrieden stiftenUnheil anrichtenUnfall (S) [zhao4 shi4] 肇事
Verkehrsunfall (S) [jiao1 tong1 zhao4 shi4] 交通肇事
wegen Herbeiführung eines Unfalls [yin1 jiao1 tong1 zhao4 shi4] 因交通肇事