0 Old HSK word(s):
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Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

seed, kernel, core, nut / atom
offspring, child / fruit, seed of / 1st terrestrial branch

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

Atom-U-Boot (S, Phys) [he2 zi3 dong4 li4 qian2 ting3] 核子动力潜艇
Atombombe (S, Mil) [he2 zi5 dan4] 核子弹
atomfrei [fei1 he2 zi3] 非核子
Atomwaffe (S, Mil) [he2 zi3 wu3 qi4] 核子武器
CERN (Org) [ou1 zhou1 he2 zi3 yan2 jiu4 zu3 zhi1] 欧洲核子研究组织
Kern (S)Kernreaktor (S)Nukleon (S, Phys) [he2 zi3] 核子
Kernkraftwerk (S) [he2 zi3 dong4 li4 chang3] 核子动力厂
Kernwaffentest, Atomtest (S) [he2 zi3 shi4 yan4] 核子试验