0 Old HSK word(s):
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Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

hold in hand / keep / carry out
to pull, drag, break off, to pluck (a flower) / bent, warped / perverse, obstinate

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:
+ + + to pull, drag, break off, to pluck (a flower) / bent, warped / perverse, obstinate 手, 扌 Hand1 幼 (KINDER-) 【◎Fix:◎ao3;◎niu4;◎ao4】 +

Divaricosid (ein Herzglycosid) (S, Chem) [yang2 jiao3 niu4 gan1 jia3] 羊角拗苷甲
nicht gehorchen [wei2 ao4] 违拗
nicht zu überreden, hartnäckig (拗 niù eigensinnig, hartnäckig) (Adj) [niu4 bu5 guo4] 拗不过
Verstocktheit (S)störrisch (Adj) [zhi2 ao4] 执拗