0 Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:
+ + + holy, sacred, sage / simplification of 堊 chalk / daub with chalk Earth 亚 (ZWEITRANGIG) e4 +

B Die Umwelt: Das Gestein: Kreide + * +

Bologneser Kreide (S, Geo) [bo1 lun2 ya4 bai2 e4] 波伦亚白垩
Kreide (S) [bai2 e4] 白垩
Kreide (S, Geol) [bai2 e4 shi4] 白垩世
Kreide, Kreidezeit (eine Periode der Erdgeschichte) (S, Geol) [bai2 e4 ji4] 白垩纪
tyrannosaurus (S) [bao4 long2 huo4 jiao4 wan3 bai2 e4 shi4 kong3 long2] 暴龙或叫晚白垩世恐龙