0 Old HSK word(s):
* *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

lose / articles lost / omit
summon / propagate, transmit
cause, reason / by / because (of)
offspring, child / fruit, seed of / 1st terrestrial branch

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

Blutgerinnungsfaktor (Chem) [ning2 xie3 yin1 zi3] 凝血因子
dimensionslose Größe (Phys) [wu2 yin1 zi3 liang4] 无因子量
dimensionslose Koordinaten (S) [wu2 yin1 zi3 zuo4 biao1] 无因子坐标
Epidermal Growth Factor [biao3 pi2 sheng1 zhang3 yin1 zi3] 表皮生长因子
Faktor, Grund, Ursache (S) [yin1 zi3] 因子
Frequenzfaktor (S) [pin2 lü4 yin1 zi3] 频率因子
Gen (S) [yi2 chuan2 yin1 zi3] 遗传因子
Impact Factor [ying3 xiang3 yin1 zi3] 影响因子
Nekrosin (S) [huai4 si3 yin1 zi3] 坏死因子
Neurotrophin (Chem) [shen2 jing1 ying2 yang3 yin1 zi3] 神经营养因子
Primfaktorzerlegung [zhi4 yin1 zi3] 质因子
Rhesus-Faktor (S) [mi2 hou2 yin1 zi3] 猕猴因子
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (Bio) [xie3 guan3 nei4 pi2 sheng1 zhang3 yin1 zi3] 血管内皮生长因子
Wachstumsfaktor (S) [sheng1 zhang3 yin1 zi3] 生长因子
Zytokin [xi4 bao1 yin1 zi3] 细胞因子

5.1 Existenz, etwas wirklich Faktor + Factor + 因子 +