0 Old HSK word(s):
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Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

run / simplified form of 運 luck, fortune / ship, transport
move, happen / movement, action
measure, quantity, capacity

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

Bahndrehimpuls (S) [gui3 dao4 jiao3 dong4 liang2] 轨道角动量
Dipolmoment (S) [ou3 ji2 dong4 liang2] 偶极动量
Drehimpuls (S, Phys) [jiao3 dong4 liang4] 角动量
Drehimpulserhaltungssatz (Phys) [jiao3 dong4 liang2 shou3 heng2 ding4 lü4] 角动量守恒定律
Eigendrehimpuls (S) [zi4 xuan2 jiao3 dong4 liang2] 自旋角动量
Impuls (Phys) [dong4 liang4] 动量
Impulserhaltungssatz (S) [dong4 liang2 shou3 heng2] 动量守恒
Impulserhaltungssatz (S, Phys) [dong4 liang2 shou3 heng2 ding4 lü4] 动量守恒定律
Längsbewegung (S) [zong4 xiang4 yi2 dong4 liang4] 纵向移动量
verbales Zähleinheitswort [dong4 liang4 ci2] 动量词
Verschiebung (S) [yi2 dong4 liang4] 移动量