0 Old HSK word(s):
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Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

one / a, an / alone
time, season / era, age, period
soar / pour boiling water over
move, happen / movement, action

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

Anwandlung (S) [qing2 xu4 chong1 dong4] 情绪冲动
impulsiv [ai4 chong1 dong4] 爱冲动
impulsiv (Adj) [yi4 shi2 chong1 dong4 yin3 qi3] 一时冲动引起
Libido (S, Psych) [xing4 chong1 dong4] 性冲动
Nervenimpuls (S) [shen2 jing1 chong1 dong4] 神经冲动
Regung (S)emotional (Adj) [gan3 qing2 chong1 dong4] 感情冲动
spontan (Adj) [yi4 shi2 chong1 dong4] 一时冲动

2.26 Sinnlichkeit Triebhaftigkeit + Impulsiveness + 冲动 +
9.79 Erfordernis drängen um + urge to + 冲动 +
10.5 Erregung sich aufregen + get excited + 冲动 +
10.5 Erregung in Aufregung geraten + get excited + 冲动 +
10.5 Erregung in Erregung geraten + get excited + 冲动 +