1 Old HSK word(s): ** D
* * * * * *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

copper, brass, bronze
pipe, tube, duct / woodwind music
happy, glad / enjoyable / music
team, group / army unit

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

A Die Freizeit: Das Theater: Orchester + * +

Band (S, Mus)Orchester (S, Mus) [yue4 dui4] 乐队
Beatles (S, Mus) [jia3 ke2 chong2 yao2 gun3 yue4 dui4] 甲壳虫摇滚乐队
Blaskapelle (S) [tong2 guan3 yue4 dui4] 铜管乐队
Consensus gentium (Math) [yue4 dui4 hua1 che1] 乐队花车
Die Toten Hosen (Eig, Mus) [si3 ku4 zi5 yue4 dui4] 死裤子乐队
Dirigent (S)Kapellmeister (S) [yue4 dui4 zhi3 hui1] 乐队指挥
Konzertmeister (Mus) [yue4 dui4 shou3 xi2] 乐队首席
Metallica [jin1 shu3 yue4 dui4] 金属乐队
Musikgruppe (S) [guan3 xian2 yue4 dui4] 管弦乐队
Radio Birdman [dian4 bo1 diao3 ren2 yue4 dui4] 电波鸟人乐队
Rockband, Rockgruppe (S, Mus) [yao2 gun3 yue4 dui4] 摇滚乐队
Smiths (S, Mus) [shi3 mi4 si1 yue4 dui4] 史密斯乐队
Tang Chao [tang2 chao2 yue4 dui4] 唐朝乐队
The Beatles [pi1 tou2 si4 yue4 dui4] 披头四乐队
The Beatles (Eig, Mus) [pi1 tou2 shi4 yue4 dui4] 披头士乐队
The Cranberries (Mus) [xiao3 hong2 mei2 yue4 dui4] 小红莓乐队
The Darkness [hei1 an4 yue4 dui4] 黑暗乐队
The Eagles (Country-Rock-Band aus den USA) (Eig, Mus) [lao3 ying1 yue4 dui4] 老鹰乐队
The Killers [sha1 shou3 yue4 dui4] 杀手乐队
The Kooks [chu1 ge1 yue4 dui4] 初哥乐队
The Rolling Stones [gun3 shi2 yue4 dui4] 滚石乐队
Wham! [wei1 meng3 yue4 dui4] 威猛乐队
Wham! (Mus) [ying1 guo2 wei1 meng3 yue4 dui4] 英国威猛乐队
Wolfmother (australische Rockband) (Eig, Mus) [lang2 mu3 yue4 dui4] 狼母乐队

4.20 Viel Bande + Band + 乐队 +
12.1 Zeichen Banderole + Band + 乐队 +
14.14 Ensemble Musikkapelle + Band + 乐队 +
14.14 Ensemble Musikkorps + Band + 乐队 +
14.14 Ensemble Orchester + Orchestra + 乐队 +
14.18 Unterhaltungsmusik Musikband + Music Band + 乐队 +