1 Old HSK word(s): ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

central / center, middle / in the midst of / hit (target) / attain
rank, grade / wait / equal / 'etc.'

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

höhere Schulbildung [zhong1 deng3 jiao4 yu4] 中等教育
medizinische Fachschule (S, Med) [zhong1 deng3 yi1 xue2 zhuan1 ke1 xue2 xiao4] 中等医学专科学校
mittelformatige Druckmaschine (S) [zhong1 deng3 chi3 cun4 yin4 shua4 ji1] 中等尺寸印刷机
mittelgroß [zhong1 deng3 da4 xiao3] 中等大小
mittelgroß [zhong1 deng3 gui1 mo2] 中等规模
mittlere (Adj) [zhong1 deng3] 中等
mittlere Zeitung (S) [zhong1 deng3 fa1 xing2 liang4 bao4 zhi3] 中等发行量报纸