0 Old HSK word(s):
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Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

relatives, parents / intimate the hazel nut or filbert tree a thorny tree
if, supposing / as if / like, as
one / a, an / alone
house, home, residence / family

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

All in the Family (US-Sitcom der 70er Jahre) (Eig, Mus)die gesamte Familie [yi1 jia1 zi5] 一家子
Alles aus einer Hand (S) [jun1 chu1 yu2 yi1 jia1 zhi1 shou3 ji2] 均出于一家之手集
Atashin’chi [wo3 men5 zhe4 yi1 jia1] 我们这一家
Die Simpsons [xin1 pu3 sen1 yi1 jia1] 辛普森一家
eine Familie, zu einer Familie gehörig, eine ganze Familie (S) [yi1 jia1 ren2] 一家人
Familienoberhaupt (S)Herr des Hauses, Hausherr (S) [yi1 jia1 zhi1 zhu3] 一家之主
Oneworld Alliance (Wirtsch) [huan2 yu3 yi1 jia1] 寰宇一家
We are the World [tian1 xia4 yi1 jia1] 天下一家