1 Old HSK word(s): ** C

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to swim / float, drift / wander, roam
go / walk / move, travel / circulate

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

Bauernhof zur Demonstrations- und Testzwecke (S, Agrar)Demonstationsbauernhof (S, Agrar)Modellbauernhof, Pilotbauernhof (S, Agrar) [shi4 fan4 nong2 chang3] 示範农场
Demonstration [shi4 wei1 you2 xing2] 游行示威
Demonstration [shi4 wei1 you2 xing2] 示威遊行
Demonstration (S) [yan3 shi4 hui4] 演示会
Demonstration, Kundgebung (S) [shi4 wei1 you2 xing2] 示威游行
Demonstrationen (S) [yan3 shi4 shi4 fan4 shi4 wei1 you2 xing2] 演示示范示威游行
Demonstrationsfreiheit (S, Rechtsw) [shi4 wei1 you2 xing2 de5 zi4 you2] 示威游行的自由
Demonstrationsmittel (S) [yan3 shi4 yi2 qi4] 演示仪器
Demonstrationsverbot (S, Pol) [jin4 zhi3 shi4 wei1] 禁止示威
Großdemonstration (S) [da4 xing2 shi4 wei1] 大型示威

12.45 Beweis Demonstration + Demonstration + 示范 +