1 Old HSK word(s): ** A

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

orange, tangerine
offspring, child / fruit, seed of / 1st terrestrial branch

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:
+ + + Chinese bellflower / well-swept / the inner fibers of corn-stalks Tree 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) 【◎Fix:◎jie2;◎ju2】 +

Ballonblume [jie2 geng3] 桔梗
Ballonblume (Med) [ju2 geng3] 桔梗
Kumquat (S, Bio)Zwergorange (S, Bio) [jin1 ju2] 金桔
Mandarine (S) [ju2]
Mandarine (S) [ju2 zi5] 桔子
orange (Adj) [ju2 hong2 se4] 桔红色
Orangensaft [ju2 zi5 shui3] 桔子水
Orangensaft (S) [ju2 zhi1] 桔汁
Orangensaft (S) [ju2 zi5 zhi1] 桔子汁
Orangenschale (S) [ju2 pi2] 桔皮
süße Silbermorchel-Suppe mit Ananas und Mandarinen (V) [bo1 ju2 yin2 er3 geng1] 菠桔银耳羹
Zitrusfrucht (S) [gan1 ju2 lei4 shui3 guo3] 柑桔类水果