Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters: * * * * * * * * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
4E8D + + + to take small steps / Korean place name Two 亍 (TIPPELN) chu4 +
4E8C + + + two / twice Two 二 (ZWEI) er4 +
4E98 + + + extend across, through / from Two 亘 (SICH_ERSTRECKEN) gen4 +
4E92 + + + mutually, reciprocally Two 互 (GEGENSEITIG) hu4 +
4E9F + + + urgently, immediately, extremely Two 亟 (PRESSIEREND) ji2 +
4E95 + + + well, mine shaft, pit Two 井 (BRUNNEN) jing3 +
4E8F + + + lose, fail / damage / deficient Two 亏 (GELD_VERLIEREN) kui1 +
4E93 + + + (archaic form) his, her, its, their / that Two 亓 (SEIN,IHR,ETC) qi2 +
4E94 + + + five / surname Two 五 (FÜNF) wu3 +
4E9B + + + little, few / rather, somewhat Two 此 (DIES) xie1 +
4E9A + + + Asia / second Two 亚 (ZWEITRANGIG) ya4 +
4E8E + 【◎Fix:◎於;◎于】 + + in, on, at / go to / surname Two 于 (IM) yu2 +
4E91 + 【◎Fix:◎雲;◎云】 + + say, speak / clouds Two 云 (WOLKE) yun2 +


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KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
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