20 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** A ** A ** A ** A ** B ** B ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

wine, spirits, liquor, alcoholic beverage
essence / semen / spirit

Hsk Characters: * * * * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
4E45 + + + long time (ago) / time passage, grow late 丿 Leftstroke 久 (LANGE ) jiu3 +
7396 + + + black-colored jade Jade 久 (LANGE ) jiu3 +
7078 + + + cauterize with moxa / moxibustion Fire 久 (LANGE ) jiu3 +
97ED + + + scallion, leek / radical 179 Leek 非 (FEHLER) jiu3 +
9152 + + + wine, spirits, liquor, alcoholic beverage Wine Jug 酉 (WEINKRUG) jiu3 +
4E5D + + + nine Bent 九 (NEUN) jiu3 +


8 NHSK word(s): * 1 jiu3nine/ 9 啤酒* 3 pi2 jiu3beer/ CL:杯[bei1];瓶[ping2];罐[guan4];桶[tong3];缸[gang1] * 3 jiu3(long) time/ (long) duration of time 悠久* 5 you1 jiu3established/ long 酒吧* 5 jiu3 ba1bar/ pub/ saloon/ CL:家[jia1] 持久* 6 chi2 jiu3lasting/ enduring/ persistent/ permanent/ protracted/ endurance/ persistence/ to last long 酗酒* 6 xu4 jiu3heavy drinking/ to get drunk/ to drink to excess 酒精* 6 jiu3 jing1alcohol/ ethanol CH3CH2OH/ ethyl alcohol/ also written 乙醇/ grain alcohol
KOREAN6000 word(s):
KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):