1 Old HSK word(s): ** C
* * * * //* * * * * *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

very, too, much / big / extreme
extreme, utmost, furthest, final
fist / various forms of boxing

Hsk Characters: *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
62F3 + + + fist / various forms of boxing 手, 扌 Hand1 券 (HÄNDE_ROLLEN_REIS) quan2 +


+ 주먹 권 (a fist)
2 NHSK word(s): 太极拳* 5 tai4 ji2 quan2shadowboxing or Taiji; T'aichi or T'aichichuan/ traditional form of physical exercise or relaxation/ a martial art 拳头* 6 quan2 tou5fist/ clenched fist/ competitive (product)/ superior quality/ CL: 個|个
KOREAN6000 word(s):
1 KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
太极拳 + tàijíquán 태극권. taegeuggwon.
0 KOREAN Sentence(s):