2 Old HSK word(s): 仿 ** B 仿 ** B
仿* * 仿* * 仿* *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

result, effect / effectiveness
仿 imitate, copy / as if

Hsk Characters: 仿 *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
仿 4EFF + 仿 + + imitate, copy / as if Man 方 (VIERECK) fang3 +


+ 仿 본뜰 방 (본뜨다: to use as an exemplar) or 모방할 방 (to imitate, copy)
仿 + 仿 헤멜 방
+ 仿 비슷할 방
2 NHSK word(s): 模仿* 5 mo2 fang3to imitate/ to copy/ to emulate/ to mimic/ model 仿佛* 5 fang3 fu2to seem/ as if/ alike/ similar
KOREAN6000 word(s):
2 KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
仿佛 + fǎngfú 마치 ...인 것 같다. 마치 ...인 듯하다. machi ...in geos gatda. machi ...in deushada.
模仿 + mófǎng 모방하다. 본뜨다. 흉내내다. mobanghada. bontteuda. hyungnaenaeda.
0 KOREAN Sentence(s):