31 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** A ** A ** A ** A ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** B ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

busy, pressed for time / hustling
rough, uneven, rocky / mediocre

Phonetic KEY:
Business yè Phonetic KEY:
Business shāng Phonetic KEY:
Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:
9E28 + + + bustard / procuress / Otis species (various) Bird1 匕 bao3 +
4E1B + + + bush, shrub / thicket / collection One 从 (VON) cong2 +
5FD9 + + + busy, pressed for time / hustling 心, 忄 Heart 亡 (FLIEHEN) mang2 +


38 NHSK word(s): * 1 zuo4to sit/ to take a seat/ to take (a bus; airplane etc)/ to bear fruit/ surname Zuo * 1 jia1home/ family/ classifier for families or businesses/ refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China/ noun suffix for specialists in some activity such as musician or revolutionary; corresponds to English -ist; -er; -ary or -ian/ surname Jia/ CL:個|个[ 公共汽车* 2 gong1 gong4 qi4 che1bus/ CL:輛|辆[liang4];班[ban1] 公司* 2 gong1 si1(business) company/ company/ firm/ corporation/ incorporated/ CL:家[jia1] * 2 mang2busy/ hurriedly * 2 piao4ticket/ ballot/ bank note/ CL:張|张[zhang1]/ person held for ransom/ amateur performance of Chinese opera/ classifier for shipments and business transactions (topolect) 办公室* 3 ban4 gong1 shi4an office/ business premises/ a bureau/ CL:間|间[jian1] 出差* 4 chu1 chai1to go on an official or business trip 做生意* 4 zuo4 sheng1 yi4to do business 热闹* 4 re4 nao5bustling with noise and excitement/ lively 照常* 5 zhao4 chang2(business etc) as usual 营业* 5 ying2 ye4to do business/ to trade 商业* 5 shang1 ye4business/ trade/ commerce * 5 ma4to scold/ abuse/ CL:通[tong4];頓|顿[dun4] 业务* 5 ye4 wu4business/ profession/ CL:個|个[ge4] 燃烧* 5 ran2 shao1combustion/ flaming/ kindle 行业* 5 hang2 ye4industry/ business 经营* 5 jing1 ying2to engage in (business etc)/ to run/ to operate 占线* 5 zhan4 xian4busy (telephone) 名片* 5 ming2 pian4(business) card 事情* 5 shi4 qing5affair/ matter/ thing/ business/ CL:件[jian4];樁|桩[zhuang1] 合同* 5 he2 tong5(business) contract/ CL:個|个[ge4] 雄厚* 6 xiong2 hou4robust/ strong and solid 公务* 6 gong1 wu4official business 健全* 6 jian4 quan2robust/ strong 交易* 6 jiao1 yi4(business) transaction/ business deal/ CL:筆|笔[bi3] 虐待* 6 nve4 dai4to mistreat/ to maltreat/ to abuse/ mistreatment/ maltreatment 埋伏* 6 mai2 fu2ambush 奔波* 6 ben1 bo1rush about/ be busy running about 忙碌* 6 mang2 lu4busy/ bustling 常务* 6 chang2 wu4routine/ everyday business/ daily operation (of a company) 糟蹋* 6 zao1 ta4to waste/ to wreck/ to despoil/ to abuse/ to slander/ to insult/ to defile/ to trample on 弊端* 6 bi4 duan1malpractice/ abuse/ corrupt practice * 6 zhu1tree trunk/ stump (tree root)/ a plant/ classifier for trees or plants/ to involve others (in shady business) 经商* 6 jing1 shang1to trade/ to carry out commercial activities/ in business 淡季* 6 dan4 ji4off season/ slow business season/ (see also 旺季) 繁华* 6 fan2 hua2flourishing/ bustling 繁忙* 6 fan2 mang2busy/ bustling
24 KOREAN6000 word(s):
A 타다 [tada] Ride (bus)

C 기업 [gieob] An enterprise or business

B 사업 [sa-eob] Business

A 버스 [beoseu] Bus

A 바쁘다 [bappeuda] Busy

C 업체 [eobche] A business enterprise

B 장사 [jangsa] trade,business

C 경기 [gyeong-gi] The business market’s state

C 영업 [yeong-eob] business, doing business

C 사업자 [sa-eobja] Businessman

B 출장 [chuljang] A business trip

A 정류장 [jeonglyujang] stop,a station,bus-stop

B 볼일 [bol-il] business,errand,engagement

C 한가하다 [hangahada] To be free, not busy

C 분주하다 [bunjuhada] Be busy,crowded

C 사업가 [sa-eobga] Businessman

B 갈아타다 [gal-atada] Transfer (bus or subway)

C 기업인 [gieob-in] Businessman

B 고속버스 [gosogbeoseu] Bus for the freeway

B 시내버스 [sinaebeoseu] Inner-city bus

C 시외버스 [sioebeoseu] Inter-city bus

B 공항버스 [gonghangbeoseu] Bus to the airport

C 관광버스 [gwangwangbeoseu] Tourist bus

D 부산 [busan] Busan, city in SE Korea, with largest beach in S.Korea

KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):