3 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** C ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

must, have to, necessary
know, perceive, comprehend

Hsk Characters: *

HSK -Characters and beyond:


SU + 修, 倕, 凁, 受, 叟, 售, 嗽, 囚, 垂, 壽, 嫂, 守, 宿, 寿, 岫, 峀, 帥, 廋, 愁, 戍, 手, 授, 搜, 收, 数, 數, 晬, 樹, 殊, 水, 洙, 溲, 漱, 潚, 濉, 燧, 狩, 獣, 獸, 琇, 琡, 璲, 璹, 痩, 瘦, 睟, 睡, 睢, 瞍, 祟, 秀, 穗, 竪, 籔, 粹, 綏, 綬, 繍, 繡, 羞, 脩, 脺, 膄, 膸, 茱, 菽, 蒐, 蓚, 藪, 袖, 誰, 誶, 讎, 讐, 豎, 輸, 遂, 邃, 酬, 銖, 銹, 鏽, 陲, 隋, 随, 隧, 隨, 雖, 需, 須, 颼, 饈, 首, 髓, 鬚
+ 모름지기 수 (necessarily, properly) or 잠깐 수 (잠깐: for a moment)
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KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
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