Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Phonetic KEY:
Sand shā
Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:
838E + + + kind of sedge grass, used anciently for raincoats 艸, 艹 Grass 沙 (SAND) 【◎Fix:◎sha1;◎suo1】 +
6332 + + + to feel or fondle with the fingers 手, 扌 Hand1 沙 (SAND) 【◎Fix:◎suo1;◎sa1】 +
6C99 + + + sand, gravel, pebbles / granulated 水, 氵 Water 沙 (SAND) sha1 +
75E7 + + + cholera / colic Illness 沙 (SAND) sha1 +
88DF + + + a cassock or robe of a monk Clothes 沙 (SAND) sha1 +
9CA8 + + + shark Fish 沙 (SAND) sha1 +
5A11 + + + dance, frolic / lounge / saunter Woman 沙 (SAND) suo1 +
686B + + + horse chestnut Tree 沙 (SAND) suo1 +


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KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
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