like: sentence
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN từ cú * sentence *

all words:
VNEN Nó bị kết án ba năm tù * He was sentenced to prison for three years *
VNEN biền ngẫu * couplet, parallel sentences, parallel constructions *
VNEN bị khép án tử hình * to be sentenced to death *
VNEN bị kết án tù * to be sentenced to prison *
VNEN bị kết án tử hình * to be sentenced to death *
VNEN bị tuyên án tù chung thân * to be sentenced to life in prison *
VNEN bị tù chung thân * to be sentenced to life imprisonment *
VNEN bị tử hình * to be sentenced to death *
VNEN bị xử tử hình * to be sentenced to death *
VNEN bị xử án * to be judged, sentenced *
VNEN bị xử án tù * to be sentenced to jail *
VNEN chủ ngữ * subject (of a sentence) *
VNEN con gì * (used at the end of a sentence to denote that something has long started) *
VNEN con gì nữa * (used at the end of a sentence to denote that something has long started) *
VNEN câu * (1) phrase, expression, sentence
(2) to fish, go fishing
VNEN câu kép * compound sentence, phrase *
VNEN câu nói * saying, word, sentence, utterance, statement *
VNEN câu văn * phrase, sentence *
VNEN câu văn nôm lắm * a very simple sentence *
VNEN câu đơn * simple sentence, phrase *
VNEN * (1) sentence
(2) owl
(3) blow, shot, hit (with the knuckles)
VNEN cực hình * death sentence; torture *
VNEN giảm án * to commute, mitigate, reduce a sentence *
VNEN kết án * to condemn, convict, sentence *
VNEN lãnh án * to receive a sentence, verdict *
VNEN lãnh án tù chung thân * to receive a life sentence *
VNEN lãnh án tử hình * to receive the death penalty, be sentenced to death *
VNEN lên án * to accuse, sentence *
VNEN lên án tử hình * to sentence to death *
VNEN mà! * (the speaker insists on the content of the sentence) *
VNEN một câu * phrase, sentence *
VNEN một câu nói * phrase, sentence, statement, utterance *
VNEN nghe! * (used at the end of imperative sentences) hear me? *
VNEN phán quyết * decision, sentence; to decide *
VNEN phán quyết cuối cùng * final sentence *
VNEN phúc án * to review a sentence *
VNEN thụ án * to serve one’s term or time or sentence, do porridge *
VNEN tuyên phán * to make a decision, read a sentence *
VNEN tuyên án * to announce, declare a verdict, (pronounce a) sentence *
VNEN tuyên án tử hình * to sentence to death *
VNEN tái thẩm * (of sentence) review, (of decision) revise, review *
VNEN tù treo * suspended sentence *
VNEN từ cú * sentence *
VNEN tử tù * prisoner under death penalty or sentence *
VNEN xử khiếm diện * to be sentenced in absentia *
VNEN xử tội * to convict, sentence *
VNEN xử tử * to sentence to death, execute, put to death *
VNEN xử vắng mặt * to try in absentia, sentence or condemn by default *
VNEN xử án * to hear or try a case, judge, sentence *
VNEN à * (1) (indicates surprise, sympathy)
(2) (sentence starting particle), oh, by the way
(3) to rush, flood
VNEN án * (1) sentence, judgment, verdict
(2) altar; tall, high desk or table
(3) to examine
(4) to block, obstruct, barricade
(5) case (legal)
(6) to station, locate, position (troops)
VNEN án treo * suspended sentence *
VNEN án tù chung thân * sentence of life in prison *
VNEN án tử hình * death-sentence, death penalty *
VNEN án văn * sentence, ruling *
VNEN đặt câu * to construct, build a sentence *

A1 sentence (n.)

OXF3000: câu văn sentence
OXF3000N câu sentence

OTOP: sentence * Crime and law Types of punishment

BNC6000 : sentence [ Rank: 1168 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : sentence [ Rank: 4315 ] v 👪

OPD : Dictate a sentence. Studying
OPD : Put the sentences in order. Studying
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OPD : sentence English Composition
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FN: sentence v Sentencing

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VSLW 45 án phạt ☊ (S) sentence [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 tuyên phạt ☊ (S) to sentence [ Intermediate Reading ]

DUOS bởi by (passive sentence) Passive
DUOS Hình phạt của tôi là bản án mười năm. My punishment is the ten-year sentence. Abstract Objects 3

50L Tôi đọc một câu. * I read a sentence. 008
50L Tôi viết một câu. * I write a sentence. 008
50L Tôi không hiểu câu này. * I don’t understand the sentence. 066