like: fresh
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Advanced Level


VNEN roi rói * fresh *
VNEN tốt tươi * fresh *

all words:
VNEN cam tuyền * fresh-water spring *
VNEN cau tươi * fresh areca nut *
VNEN chè tươi * concoction of green tea leaves, fresh tea, tea, made with fresh tea *
VNEN cua đồng * field crab, ricefield crab, freshwater crab *
VNEN cá nước ngọt * freshwater fish *
VNEN cá tươi * fresh fish *
VNEN cá đồng * river fish, fresh-water fish *
VNEN cây tươi * fresh fruit *
VNEN căng tin * refreshment room, canteen *
VNEN gió mát * fresh air *
VNEN gỏi * Vietnamese salad with fresh vegetables *
VNEN huấn luyện bổ túc * refresher instruction *
VNEN hóng mát * to take fresh air *
VNEN khoái hoạt * enlivened, freshened, braced up *
VNEN lớp tu nghiệp * refresher course, seminar, workshop *
VNEN mát * cool, fresh *
VNEN mơn mởn * young and fresh, in the prime of youth *
VNEN mới * new, fresh, recent, first; only then, have just *
VNEN mới lạ * extraordinary, unusual, unheard-of, new, fresh *
VNEN mới mẻ * new, recent, fresh *
VNEN ngọt * sweet (tasting), fresh (water) *
VNEN nhuần * moisten, damp, wet, refreshing *
VNEN nước ngọt * soft drink; freshwater *
VNEN phân lũ * diverge (deflect) freshets *
VNEN phân tươi * fresh night-soil *
VNEN phếch * losing freshness, bleached *
VNEN roi rói * fresh *
VNEN râm mát * shady and fresh, in the shade *
VNEN sing viên năm thứ nhất * freshman *
VNEN sinh khương * fresh ginger *
VNEN sốt dẻo * fresh from the over; (of news) hot *
VNEN sữa tươi * fresh milk *
VNEN thanh lương * coolness, freshness *
VNEN thanh phong * fresh wind *
VNEN thừa lương * to refresh oneself, go out for some fresh air *
VNEN tin tức mới mẻ * fresh news *
VNEN trời mát * cool and fresh weather *
VNEN tân * (1) modern, recent, fresh, up-to-date, new
(2) 8th cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac
VNEN tôm sông * crayfish, fresh water crayfish *
VNEN tươi * fresh; immediately, on the spot; cheerful, joyful, happy *
VNEN tươi mát * fresh, (slang) sex *
VNEN tươi tốt * verdant, green, fresh, fine *
VNEN tốt tươi * fresh *
VNEN xanh tươi * green and fresh, verdant, light blue *
VNEN đồ ăn thức uống * refreshment, eatables and drinkables, food *

SNOT: refreshments Travel • public transport
SNOT: fresh Food and drink • types of food and drink
SNOT: freshly Food and drink • types of food and drink

A2 fresh (adj.)

OXF3000: tươi fresh
OXF3000N tươi tươi tắn fresh

OTOP: fresh * Food and drink Taste of food
OTOP: fresh * Health Diet
OTOP: fresh * Personality and emotio Energetic

BNC6000 : fresh [ Rank: 1390 ] a 👪

OPD : fresh fish Seafood and Deli

FN: fresh a Age

VSLW123 trong lành ☊ (S) pure, fresh vsl3
VSLW 45 tươi (hoa) ☊ (S) fresh (flower) [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 trong lành ☊ (S) fresh, pure [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 quả ngọt ☊ (S) fresh fruit / sweet fruit [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Một đứa là sinh viên năm thứ nhất, một đứa là học sinh lớp 8. One is in freshman year of college, one is in eighth grade. vsl1