like: exit
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all words:
VNEN chui ra * to exit *
VNEN cánh cửa khẩn cấp * emergency door, emergency exit *
VNEN cửa khẩn cấp * emergency door, emergency exit *
VNEN cửa ra * exit, door *
VNEN lối ra * way out, exit *
VNEN lối thoát * way out, exit, outlet, escape route *
VNEN lối thoát hiểm * emergency exit *
VNEN ngõ ra * exit, way out, way off *
VNEN ra * to go out, exit, give, issue, emit, leave *
VNEN ra khỏi * from; to go out, exit, leave *
VNEN rắc rối * complicated, complex, involved; complication, complexity *
VNEN thoát * to escape, flee, get out, exit *
VNEN trổ ra * to burst out, exit *
VNEN tứ thập bất hoặc * at forty one has no more perplexities *
VNEN xuất cảnh * to exit or leave a country *
VNEN xuất nhập cảnh * exit and entry, immigration *
VNEN độ phức tạp * complexity *

GNOT: complexity Qualitative • complexity, simplicity
SNOT: exit Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre
SNOT: emergency exit Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre
SNOT: common road-sign texts (reading only) e.g. cross now, exit, give way, keep left Travel • traffic

A2 exit (n.)

OXF3000N lỗi ra sự đi ra thoát ra exit

OTOP: exit * Culture Elements of a play
OTOP: exit * Technology Computer software
OTOP: exit * Travel and tourism Types of road

BNC6000 : exit [ Rank: 5033 ] n 👪

Ausfahrt exit lối ra ☊ (N) Verkehr

OPD : emergency exit Apartments
OPD : emergency exit An Airport

FN: exit n Departing
FN: exit v Path_shape
FN: exit v Departing

DUOS Anh ấy thích sự phức tạp. He likes complexity. Nominalization
DUOS sự phức tạp complexity Nominalization
DUOS Họ viết một quyển sách về sự phức tạp của tiếng Việt. They write a book about the complexity of Vietnamese. Nominalization
DUOS Tôi nhận ra sự phức tạp của hôn nhân. I realize the complexity of marriage. Verbs 2.5
DUOS Lối thoát ở kia. The exit is there. Abstract Objects 2
DUOS Lối thoát đó không tồn tại. That exit does not exist. Abstract Objects 2
DUOS Lối thoát exit Abstract Objects 2