like: cough
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Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN cơn ho * coughing fit, attack of coughing *
VNEN ho * to cough *
VNEN ho gió * light cough caused by a cold *
VNEN ho gà * whooping-cough *
VNEN ho hen * to cough *
VNEN ho khan * dry cough, hacking cough *
VNEN húng hắng * have a slight and sporadic cough, have a dry cough *
VNEN hắng giọng * to clear one’s throat with a cough *
VNEN khái huyết * cough up blood *
VNEN nhãn lọ thuốc ho * the label of a cough syrup bottle *
VNEN thuốc ho * cough drops, cough medicine, cough syrup *
VNEN xùy * to stump up, shell out, fork out, cough up *

B1 cough (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: ho cough
OXF3000N ho sự ho tiếng hoa cough

BNC6000 : cough [ Rank: 5988 ] v 👪

OPD : cough Symptoms and Injuries
OPD : cough syrup A Pharmacy

FN: cough n Sounds
FN: cough v Make_noise

VSLW123 ho ☊ (S) to cough vsl2
VSLW123 thuốc ho ☊ (S) cough medicine vsl2
VSLW123 thuốc ho ☊ (S) cough medicine vsl3