like: worry
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN băn khoăn * worried, anxious, fretful, perturbed; to worry, fret, be afraid of, fear *
VNEN bận lòng * to worry; worried, anxious *
VNEN bận tâm * to worry; worried, disturbed *
VNEN chuyện đáng lo * something worth worrying about, concern *
VNEN càng lo ngại * to worry even more (than before) *
VNEN có gì phải lo * there’s no reason to worry *
VNEN cả lo * worry oneself, trouble oneself, bother oneself *
VNEN cắn rứt * to worry, harass, sting, gnaw (conscience, etc.) *
VNEN e ngại * to fear, be afraid, worry *
VNEN giày vò * to torment, worry *
VNEN hậu hoạn * future trouble, future worry *
VNEN lo * (1) worried, anxious, afraid; to worry, fear, frighten
(2) to care about, look after
VNEN lo bò trắng răng * unnecessary worry *
VNEN lo chuyện * to worry about sth *
VNEN lo lắng * worried, concerned, anxious, uneasy; to worry; worry, concern, anxiety *
VNEN lo nghĩ * to worry, be concerned *
VNEN lo nghĩ về * to worry about *
VNEN lo sợ * worried, afraid, anxious; to worry, be afraid *
VNEN lo toan * anxious, worried; to worry *
VNEN lo đến * to worry about *
VNEN mối * (1) termite, white ant
(2) house lizard
(3) end (of entangled thread or string), beginning (of an involved story); [CL for feelings, tensions, relationships], cause for (hope, worry, danger), customer, passenger
(4) liaison, go-between
VNEN mối lo * care, worry, concern *
VNEN mối lo lắng * concern, worry *
VNEN nghĩ ngợi * to ponder over, consider carefully, worry about *
VNEN ngại * to worry, fear, be troubled by; worried, hesitant, fearful *
VNEN ngầy * annoy, trouble, worry *
VNEN nhũng * worry, harass, trouble *
VNEN nhọc lòng * worry, be anxious *
VNEN phiền lòng * to worry *
VNEN quan ngại * to hinder, obstruct; to worry, concern *
VNEN quấy nhiễu * worry, pester *
VNEN sự lo sợ * worry, anxiety *
VNEN thắc mắc * (1) worried, anxious, uneasy, uncomfortable, ill at ease; worry, concern
(2) a question
VNEN tỏ ra e ngại * to express worry, concern *
VNEN tỏ ra lo ngại * to express worry, concern *
VNEN việc ấy khiến cho anh phải lo nghĩ * that made you worry *
VNEN yên lòng * be-assured, not to worry *
VNEN ám * (1) to bother, annoy, pester, worry
(2) to blacken, darken, stain; dark, obscure
(3) rice and boiled fish, thick fish soup
(4) to possess, obsess
VNEN ám quẻ * to annoy, worry, trouble *
VNEN âu * (1) Europe, European
(2) seagull
(3) might as well
(4) worry, concern
VNEN éo sèo * to bother, worry *
VNEN đừng bận tâm tới * don’t worry about *
VNEN đừng có lo * don’t worry *
VNEN đừng có lo lắng * don’t worry *
VNEN đừng lo * don’t be afraid, don’t worry, fear not *
VNEN đừng lo chuyện đó * don’t worry about that *
VNEN ưu lự * disquieted, anxious, uneasy, restless; to worry *
VNEN ưu tư * afflicted, grieved, distressed; worry, concern *
VNEN đỡ lo * to be relieved, stop worrying *

A2 worry (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: lo worry
OXF3000N lo lắng suy nghĩ sự lo lắng suy nghĩ worry

BNC6000 : worry [ Rank: 3795 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : worry [ Rank: 1340 ] v 👪

FN: worry v Emotion_active
FN: worry v Experiencer_obj

VSLW123 lo/lo lắng ☊ (S) to worry vsl2
VSLW123 lo lắng ☊ (S) to concern, worry vsl3
VSLW123 thắc mắc ☊ (S) to wonder, to be uneasy, to worry vsl3

DUOS Tôi lo lắng về sự an toàn của cô ấy. I worry about her safety. Reduplicative Words
DUOS lo lắng worry Reduplicative Words