like: whistle
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN tu huýt * whistle *

all words:
VNEN còi * horn, siren, whistle *
VNEN huýt * to whistle *
VNEN huýt còi * to whistle *
VNEN huýt sáo * to whistle *
VNEN rít * to whistle, whiz, buzz *
VNEN sạch như chùi * as clean as a whistle, as clean as a new pin *
VNEN thổi còi * to blow a whistle *
VNEN tu huýt * whistle *
VNEN tu tu * onomatopocia of whistle, horn, siren *
VNEN vi vu * (of wind) hissing, hiss, whistling, whistle *

B2 whistle (n.) (v.)

OXF3000: còi whistle
OXF3000N sự huýt sáo sự thổi còi huýt sáo thổi còi whistle

OTOP: whistle * Travel and tourism Trains

Trillerpfeife whistle cái còi thổi ☊ (N) Sport

FN: whistle n Sounds
FN: whistle v Make_noise

VSLW123 huýt sáo ☊ (S) to whistle vsl2

VSLS Ông ấy thường vừa đi vừa huýt sáo. He usually whistles as he walks by. vsl2