like: weak
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Advanced Level


VNEN non yếu * weak *
VNEN yếu sức * weak *

all words:
VNEN bạc nhược * debilitated, weakened, feeble *
VNEN bấu chí * to pinch, nip, tweak; quarrel and fight *
VNEN chè loãng * weak tea *
VNEN các nước nhược tiểu * the small and weak countries *
VNEN cái nhược điểm * weakness *
VNEN già yếu * old and weak, infirm *
VNEN giả hèn * to pretend to be weak *
VNEN hao mòn * to weaken *
VNEN hoi hóp * weakly *
VNEN hèn * weak, low, base, vile *
VNEN hư nhược * weaken, grow weak(er) or feeble, weakened, enfeebled *
VNEN hở cơ * let the cat out of the bag, expose unintentionally one’s weak spot *
VNEN kém * to be less than, inferior, poor, lack, be missing, be short of, weak, not very *
VNEN kém mắt * weak eyes *
VNEN loang loáng * watery, weak *
VNEN lèo nhèo * weakening, flabby, flaccid *
VNEN lòng nhân từ * compassion (for the weak or injured or sick) *
VNEN lực bất tòng tâm * the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak *
VNEN mong manh * faint, slender, slim, weak, thin, delicate *
VNEN mềm yếu * weak, feeble, flabby *
VNEN nghèo yếu * to be weak, feeble *
VNEN ngơn ngớt * become less and less, weaken, become or grow weak *
VNEN người già yếu * old, weak people *
VNEN nhi nữ * the weaker sex *
VNEN nhu nhược * feeble, faint, weak *
VNEN nhát gan không dám bơi qua sông * to be too weak-hearted to swim across the river *
VNEN nhéo nhẹo * weakly and whimpering *
VNEN nhược * to tire, get tired, get weary; weak *
VNEN nhược tiểu * weak, small and weak *
VNEN nhược điểm * weak point, weakness *
VNEN nhấp nhem * weak and intermittent *
VNEN nhỏ yếu * small and weak *
VNEN nhụt * blunt, get damped, get dampened, weaken *
VNEN non yếu * weak *
VNEN núng * give (lose) ground, become weaker, weaken *
VNEN phái yếu * the weaker sex *
VNEN phận bồ * condition of the weaker sex *
VNEN quốc gia tiểu nhược * smaller and weaker country *
VNEN suy * to consider, think, reflect; to decline, weaken *
VNEN suy kiệt * weakened, debilitated *
VNEN suy nhược * weakening, asthenic *
VNEN suy yếu * to weaken, decline; weak, feeble *
VNEN sơ hở * weak spot, weakness *
VNEN sở đoản * weakness, weak point, foible *
VNEN sự suy sụp * weakness, decline *
VNEN thóp * key point, weak point *
VNEN thế yếu * weak position *
VNEN thều thào * (1) easy-going, lacksidasical
(2) to speak with a weak voice (as one close to death)
VNEN tiểu nhược * small and weak *
VNEN trói gà không nổi * very weak and inefficient *
VNEN tính nhu nhược * weak character *
VNEN yêu yếu * rather weak *
VNEN yếu * weak, feeble *
VNEN yếu bóng vía * weak spirited *
VNEN yếu dần * to gradually weaken *
VNEN yếu hèn * weak, feeble, cowardly, spineless, ineffective, incapable, weak-kneed, weak-willed *
VNEN yếu kém * weak; weakness and shortcoming *
VNEN yếu mềm * tender, soft, weak, feeble; to feel fondness or affection for somebody *
VNEN yếu sức * weak *
VNEN yếu đuối * weak, feeble; weakness *
VNEN yếu ớt * weak, feeble *
VNEN èo uột * sickly, weak, poor *
VNEN èo ọt * weakly *
VNEN òi ọp * weakly *
VNEN điểm sơ hở * weak points *
VNEN đoản chí * weak will *
VNEN đụt * dense, dull; to take cover, take shelter, shelter; imbecile, weak-minded, cowardly, fainthearted *
VNEN ưu khuyết * strong and weak points, strengths and weaknesses *
VNEN ưu khuyết điểm * strengths and weaknesses *
VNEN ẻo lả * weak, feeble, puny *
VNEN ốm yếu * sick, weak, feeble *

GNOT: weak Qualitative • texture

B1 weak (adj.)

OXF3000: yếu weak
OXF3000N yếu yếu ớt weak

OTOP: weak * Food and drink Taste of food
OTOP: weak * Health Poor health
OTOP: weak * Health Being ill
OTOP: weak * Personality and emotio Fear

BNC6000 : weak [ Rank: 1996 ] a 👪

OPD : weak signal The Telephone

FN: weak a Level_of_force_exertion
FN: weak a Judgment_of_intensity
FN: weak a Level_of_force_resistance

VSLW123 yếu ☊ (S) weak, feeble vsl2
VSLW123 yếu ☊ (S) weak, feeble vsl3
VSLW123 nhược điểm ☊ (S) weak point vsl3
VSLW123 nhược điểm ☊ (S) weak point vsl3
VSLW123 khuyết điểm ☊ (S) weak point, defect, imperfection vsl3
VSLW 45 yếu ☊ (S) weak [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 yếu thế ☊ (S) disadvantage, weak [ Basic Reading ]