like: waste
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VNEN buông quăng bỏ vãi * waste *
VNEN hư phí * waste *

all words:
VNEN buông quăng bỏ vãi * waste *
VNEN * (1) waste, residue
(2) exhausted
VNEN bãi đất * wasteland, swamp *
VNEN bãi đất hoang * waste land, abandoned land, vacant (piece of) land *
VNEN bị phí * to go to waste *
VNEN bỏ phí * to waste *
VNEN bồ giấy * wastepaper, trash basket *
VNEN chính phân * excrement, waste *
VNEN chất cặn bã * waste products *
VNEN chất cặn bã của kỹ nghệ * industrial waste products *
VNEN chất thải * waste (matter, material) *
VNEN công dã tràng * wasted effort *
VNEN giấy lộn * waste paper *
VNEN giấy vụn * waste-paper *
VNEN hao * (1) to consume, use, spend, waste
(2) news
VNEN hao phí * to waste; to spend *
VNEN hao phí thì giờ * to waste time *
VNEN hao tổn * to waste, squander *
VNEN hoang địa * waste land *
VNEN hoài hơi * lose one’s time, waste one’s breath *
VNEN huy hoắc * squander, spend wastefully *
VNEN hư hao * suffer some damage and loss; to waste, pollute *
VNEN hư phí * waste *
VNEN khai hoang * reclaim waste land, reclaim virgin soil *
VNEN khai phá * change waste land into cultivated areas *
VNEN khí vật * waste, refuse *
VNEN lãng * (1) wave
(2) to waste, squander
(3) bright
VNEN mất công * wasted effort; to waste effort on something *
VNEN mất công toi * to waste one’s ammunition *
VNEN mất một tiếng đồng hồ * to take (or waste) an hour *
VNEN mất thì giờ * to waste time *
VNEN mất toi * to lose, waste *
VNEN nói vã bọt mép * to speak in vain, waste one’s breath *
VNEN nước thải * waste water, sewage *
VNEN phung phí * to waste, squander *
VNEN phung phí tiền bạc * to waste money *
VNEN phá tán * run or through one's estate, disspate or squander or waste one's money *
VNEN phí * to waste, squander; expenses *
VNEN phí hoài * waste, wasted *
VNEN phí phạm * to waste, squander exceptional *
VNEN phí sức * to waste energy *
VNEN phí thì giờ * to waste time *
VNEN phí thì giờ với * to waste time with *
VNEN phí thời giờ * to waste time *
VNEN phế liệu * waste, scrap *
VNEN phế phẩm * waste, substandard product *
VNEN phế thải * waste, salvage *
VNEN phế vật * refuse, waste material *
VNEN rác * garbage, refuse, waste, trash *
VNEN rạc người * emaciated, wasted, famished, become skinny *
VNEN sa sẩy * to suffer loss, waste *
VNEN say mèm * very drunk, wasted, trashed *
VNEN sọt giấy * wastepaper basket *
VNEN sọt rác * garbage can, trash can, wastebasket *
VNEN thất ngôn * to waste ones breath, words *
VNEN tiêu hoang * to waste, squander *
VNEN tiêu phí * to spend, expend, waste *
VNEN toi * lost, useless; to die, waste *
VNEN toi cơm * wasted food, a waste of labor a failure *
VNEN uổng * to waste *
VNEN uổng công * to waste *
VNEN uổng mạng * to waste, squander one’s life *
VNEN uổng phí * to waste, squander *
VNEN uổng quá * what a waste!, what a pity! *
VNEN uổng tiền * to waste money *
VNEN xa phí * prodigal, lavish, wasteful, thriftless, waste, lavish, squander *
VNEN xa xí * to be wasteful *
VNEN xa xỉ * to waste, squander; luxurious, luxury *
VNEN xài phí * wasteful, prodigal *
VNEN xót ruột * to suffer (because of loss, waste) *
VNEN đất hoang * waste land, abandoned land, vacant (piece of) land *
VNEN đồ bỏ * waste, abundance *
VNEN đỡ mất thì giờ * to not waste any time *

B1 waste (v.) (n.) (adj.)

OXF3000: chất thải waste
OXF3000N lãng phí uổng phí vùng hoang vu sa mạc waste

OTOP: waste * Nature Waste and pollution

BNC6000 : waste [ Rank: 4070 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : waste [ Rank: 2043 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : waste [ Rank: 2668 ] v 👪

Müll waste chất thải (phế liệu) ☊ (N) Umwelt

OPD : wastebasket A Bathroom
OPD : medical waste disposal Hospital
OPD : hazardous waste Energy and Conservation

FN: waste v Frugality

VSLW123 tốn tiền ☊ (S) to waste money vsl1
VSLW123 hao ☊ (S) to waste, be wastefull vsl2
VSLW123 mất thời gian ☊ (S) waste time vsl3
VSLW123 phung phí ☊ (S) to waste vsl3
VSLW123 phung phí ☊ (S) to waste, to squander vsl3
VSLW123 phung phí ☊ (S) to waste, to squander vsl3
VSLW 45 rác thải ☊ (S) garbage/ waste [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nguồn thải ☊ (S) waste source [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 phế phụ phẩm ☊ (S) waste byproduct [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 lãng phí ☊ (S) waste (of money) [ Intermediate Reading ]