like: walk
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN biết đi * walking, living *
VNEN bách bộ * to go for a stroll, go for a constitutional, go for a walk *
VNEN bò lê bò càng * beaten until one is unable to walk *
VNEN bước * to step, stride. walk *
VNEN bước ra cửa * to walk outside, go outdoors *
VNEN bước theo * to walk behind, follow *
VNEN bước xuống cầu thang * to walk down the stairs *
VNEN bờ hè * pavement, sidewalk, curb *
VNEN chơi * to go out, be out, go for a walk, have a good time, play, amuse oneself (with); fun, amusement, play, game *
VNEN chống nạng * to walk with or on crutches *
VNEN chồn chân * be tired after long walk *
VNEN cuốc bộ * walk, ride (go) on shank’s mare *
VNEN cái xác biết đi * dead man walking *
VNEN cái xác chết biết đi * walking corpse *
VNEN cò rò * to walk with one’s head sunk between one’s shoulders *
VNEN du * to enjoy oneself; to travel; to push briskly, walk *
VNEN dáng đi * walk, gait, carriage *
VNEN dạo * period, time (past), this time, these days; to stroll, walk *
VNEN dạo gót * to take a walk *
VNEN dừng bước * to stop walking *
VNEN dừng chân * to stop (walking), make a stop *
VNEN * (1) summer
(2) pathway, walk, sidewalk
VNEN hè phố * sidewalk *
VNEN không đi được * unable to walk *
VNEN khệnh khạng * to limp, stumble, strut, walk in an unnaturally stiff way *
VNEN lạo xạo * crunch, crushing sound (made by walking or driving on something) *
VNEN lề đường * pavement, sidewalk, road-side *
VNEN lịch bịch * sound of heavy walking or running steps *
VNEN lững thững * to walk slowly, walk with deliberate steps, stroll, amble *
VNEN miên du * sleep-walking *
VNEN máy bộ đàm * walkie-talkie, handy-talkie *
VNEN mộng du * to sleepwalk *
VNEN ngày đường * a day’s walk *
VNEN nhàn tản * go for a leisurely walk, stroll about leisurely *
VNEN nhẹ bước * walk gingerly, tread lightly *
VNEN phải đúa * have taken a leaf from the book of, walk in the shoes of *
VNEN rén * to walk softly *
VNEN rón * to stand on one’s tiptoes, walk with stealthy steps *
VNEN rón rén * to tiptoe, walk on tiptoe *
VNEN rún rẩy * walk with a springy gait (step) *
VNEN rạc cẳng * tire oneself out by walking *
VNEN rảo cẳng * walk faster *
VNEN song hành * to go abreast, walk abreast *
VNEN sánh bước * to walk abreast, stroll abreast to catch up with, to *
VNEN sánh vai * to walk abreast, stand beside, be well-matched *
VNEN sụn gối * tired by walking, bent (with age) *
VNEN thả bộ * to stroll, ramble, walk *
VNEN tiến bước * to advance, walk towards *
VNEN tản bộ * to stroll, amble, take a walk *
VNEN tầm xích * walking stick *
VNEN vui chân * to take pleasure or delight in walking *
VNEN vỉa hè * sidewalk, street side *
VNEN xác chết biết đi * a walking corpse *
VNEN õng à õng ẹo * walk or behave flirtatiously or affectedlly *
VNEN đi bách bộ * to take a walk, stroll *
VNEN đi băng qua * to go across, walk across *
VNEN đi bằng nạng * to walk with crutches *
VNEN đi bộ * to go on foot, (take a) walk *
VNEN đi bộ không * to spacewalk *
VNEN đi bộ lại đó * walk there *
VNEN đi bộ ngoài không gian * to spacewalk *
VNEN đi bộ ra * to walk out towards *
VNEN đi chân đất * to go (walk) barefoot *
VNEN đi cà kheo * to walk on stilts *
VNEN đi dạo * to stoll, go for a walk *
VNEN đi dạo từng nhóm * to walk about in groups *
VNEN đi một vòng * to walk around (once) *
VNEN đi ngang qua một con đường * to walk across a street *
VNEN đi nạng * to walk on crutches *
VNEN đi rong * to walk aimlessly *
VNEN đi trở về * to go back, walk back *
VNEN đi vẩn vơ * to walk aimlessly *
VNEN đi đi lại lại * to walk back and forth *
VNEN đi đất * go (walk) barefoot *
VNEN đánh đàng xa * swing one’s arms (while walking) *
VNEN đều bước * to walk with regular steps *
VNEN ả giang hồ * prostitute, street-walker *

GNOT: to walk Spatial • motion
SNOT: walkman Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc.,

A1 walk (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: đi bộ walk
OXF3000N đi đi bộ sự đi bộ sự đi dạo walk

OTOP: walk * Crime and law Types of punishment
OTOP: walk * Family and life stages Pets
OTOP: walk * Family and life stages Marriage
OTOP: walk * Health Exercise
OTOP: walk * Houses and buildings Religious buildings
OTOP: walk * Personality and emotio Happiness
OTOP: walk * Personality and emotio Confident

BNC6000 : walk [ Rank: 1919 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : walk [ Rank: 463 ] v 👪

Spaziergang walk cuộc đi bộ ☊ (N) Freizeit

OPD : Walk to class. A Day at School
OPD : front walk Front ard House
OPD : walker A Pharmacy
OPD : crosswalk An Intersection
OPD : jaywalk An Intersection
OPD : sidewalk An Intersection
OPD : walk a dog An Intersection
OPD : Walk with a friend Public Safety
OPD : walk up the steps Prepositions of Motion
OPD : walk down the steps Prepositions of Motion
OPD : walk-in freezer A Hotel

FN: walk n Self_motion
FN: walk v Self_motion
FN: walk v Cotheme

VSLW123 đi bộ ☊ (S) to walk, to go on foot vsl1
VSLW123 đi dạo ☊ (S) to have a walk vsl2
VSLW 45 đi bộ ☊ (S) to walk [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 dạo phố biển ☊ (S) to go for a walk on the beach [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 67 giậm chân tại chỗ ☊ (S) to walk on the pot (lit.), to make no progress (fig.) [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 trà đá vỉa hè ☊ (S) iced tea on the sidewalk [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Ông ấy thường vừa đi vừa huýt sáo. He usually whistles as he walks by. vsl2

DUOS Bạn đi bộ. You walk. Verbs 1
DUOS Tôi thích đi bộ. I like walking. Verbs 1
DUOS Họ đi bộ với chúng tôi. They walk with us. Verbs 1
DUOS Bạn đi bộ đến khách sạn. You walk to the hotel. Places
DUOS Hai con lạc đà đang đi bộ trong thành phố. Two camels are walking in the city. Animals 2
DUOS Hòn đá có thể đi bộ không? Can the stone walk? Nature
DUOS Tôi đi bộ một cách chậm chạp. I walk slowly. Reduplicative Words
DUOS Vị nhạc sĩ cằn nhằn trong khi đi bộ. The songwriter grumbles while walking. Reduplicative Words
DUOS  Anh ấy nổ là anh ấy có thể đi trên mặt nước. He brags that he can walk on the surface of water. Informal Expressions

50L Chúng tôi thích đi dạo vào mùa hè. * We like to go for a walk in summer. 018
50L Anh ấy đi bộ. * He walks. 039
50L Có nguy hiểm nếu đi dạo buổi đêm không? * Is it dangerous to go for a walk at night? 039
50L Bạn muốn đi dạo không? * Would you like to go for a walk? 072
50L Mấy đứa con tôi đã không muốn đi dạo. * My children did not want to go for a walk. 090