like: urge
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Advanced Level


VNEN đốc thúc * urge *

all words:
VNEN bềnh * to surge up, emerge; to float, bob *
VNEN bột khởi * to flare up violently, surge vigorously *
VNEN bức rút * urgent, pressing *
VNEN chiến họa * the scourge of war, war *
VNEN chỉnh đảng * political purge *
VNEN cuộc giải phẫ * surgery *
VNEN cuộc giải phẫ bệnh tim * heart surgery *
VNEN cá tầm * sturgeon *
VNEN câu hỏi cấp bách * urgent, pressing question *
VNEN cấp * (1) degree, grade, level, rank, step
(2) to confer, obtain, get, issue
(3) urgent, pressing
VNEN cấp bách * urgent, pressing *
VNEN cấp thiết * pressing, urgent, imperative *
VNEN cấp tốc * swift, urgent, very fast, intense *
VNEN cần * (1) to be urgent, pressing; to need (to), want; to care
(2) hard working, industrious
(3) rod, pole, staff
(4) celery
VNEN cần cấp * essential, necessary, urgent *
VNEN dân quốc * democracy (bourgeois) *
VNEN dấp rút * urgent, pressing *
VNEN giám quốc * president (of a bourgeois republic) *
VNEN giải phẫu * surgery; to dissect, operate *
VNEN giải phẫu khuôn mặt * plastic, cosmetic surgery (on someone’s face) *
VNEN giải phẫu não * brain surgery *
VNEN giục * to urge *
VNEN giục như giục tà * urge vigorously and urgently *
VNEN gấp * (1) to be X times more than
(2) to fold, close
(3) urgent, pressing, in a hurry
VNEN gấp gáp * pressing, urgent *
VNEN gấp rút * very pressing, very urgent *
VNEN gọi họp khẩn cấp * to call an urgent meeting *
VNEN hành động gấp * to act fast, take urgent action *
VNEN hăm bơ gơ * hamburger *
VNEN hỏa bài * emergency pass (used by messengers carrying the king’s urgent orders) *
VNEN hối hả * to urge *
VNEN hối thúc * to urge, press *
VNEN khai trừ * to expel, purge, exclude *
VNEN khẩn cấp * urgent, pressing *
VNEN khẩn thiết * very urgent, very pressing *
VNEN khẩn yếu * urgent and important *
VNEN kíp * to be urgent, urgently *
VNEN lệnh tiễn * urgent order *
VNEN mổ * to operate, cut up, perform surgery, dissect *
VNEN mổ tim * heart surgery *
VNEN nghĩa quân * insurgent troops, insurgent army *
VNEN nghịch tặc * rebel, insurgent *
VNEN ngoại khoa * surgery; surgical *
VNEN người giải phẫu * surgeon *
VNEN ngứa nghề * feel sexual urge, feel aroused *
VNEN ngứa tay * feel the urge of doing something *
VNEN phiến quân * insurgent *
VNEN phẫu thuật * surgery *
VNEN phẫu thuật viên * surgeon *
VNEN sóng cồn * surge waves *
VNEN sự hối thúc * urgency *
VNEN thanh lọc * to fire, lay off; to weed out, select, purify, purge, cleanse *
VNEN thanh trừ * to clean out, purge out, end, solve *
VNEN thanh trừng * to purge, expel *
VNEN thanh trừng ra khỏi đảng * to expel, purge from the party *
VNEN thuốc xổ * purge, purgative *
VNEN thôi thúc * to prod, urge *
VNEN thúc * to push, urge *
VNEN thúc bách * pressing, urgent; to urge *
VNEN thúc dục * to urge *
VNEN thúc giục * to push, urge, hasten, hurry, press *
VNEN thúc ép * to force, goad, push, urge *
VNEN thúc đẩy * to push, urge, promote, speed up *
VNEN thậm cấp * extreme urgency *
VNEN thị dân * burgher, burgess *
VNEN tiểu phẫu * minor surgery *
VNEN tiểu thị dân * petty bourgeoisie *
VNEN tiểu tư sản * petty bourgeoisie *
VNEN trước mắt * before one’s eyes, urgent *
VNEN trưởng giả * bourgeois *
VNEN tư sản dân tộc * nationalist bourgeois *
VNEN vi phẫu * microsurgery *
VNEN việc rất là cần, phải làm ngay lập tức * the business is very urgent and must be seen to right away *
VNEN vội * to be in a hurry, be hasty, be urgent, be pressing; to hurry, make haste *
VNEN xui * (1) misfortunate, unlucky, unfortunate
(2) to excite, urge
VNEN xui bẩy * to induce, urge *
VNEN xúi dục * to urge, coax, persuade *
VNEN ép nài * to urge, insist *
VNEN đại phẫu * major surgery *
VNEN đốc thúc * urge *

SNOT: –hamburger Food and drink • types of food and drink
SNOT: hospital, surgery etc Services • hospital, surgery etc

C2 urge (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: thúc giục urge
OXF3000N thúc giục giục giã sự thúc đẩy sự thôi thúc urge

BNC6000 : urge [ Rank: 6246 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : urge [ Rank: 2322 ] v 👪

OPD : hamburger Fast Food Restaurant
OPD : cheeseburger Fast Food Restaurant
OPD : Surgeon Workplace Clothing
OPD : surgeon Hospital
OPD : surge protector Computers

FN: urge n Desiring
FN: urge v Request
FN: urge v Attempt_suasion

VSLW 45 gấp ☊ (S) urgent [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 khẩn trương ☊ (S) urgent(ly) [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 phẫu thuật ☊ (S) surgery, operation [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 khẩn cấp ☊ (S) urgent [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 thúc giục / hối thúc ☊ (S) to urge [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 cấp bách ☊ (S) urgent [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 khẩn trương ☊ (S) urgently [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 bức thiết ☊ (S) urgent [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 tăng bật ☊ (S) to surge [ Advanced Reading ]