like: turn
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN nuộc * turn *

all words:
VNEN bàn quay * turntable *
VNEN bàn xoay * turning table *
VNEN báo * (1) to announce, report
(2) newspaper
(3) panther
(4) to return, give back
VNEN báo ân * return a benefaction, show gratitude *
VNEN báo ơn * to return thanks, render thanks *
VNEN bù lại * in return (for), in exchange, as compensation (for) *
VNEN bản lược kê * return, list, manifest *
VNEN bật * to pluck; to snap, switch on, turn on, burst out, explode, jettison *
VNEN bật đèn * to turn on, switch on a light *
VNEN bật đèn lên * to turn on the lights *
VNEN bị trao lại cho * to be returned to *
VNEN bỏ ngoài tai * to pay no attention to, turn a deaf ear to, ignore *
VNEN bừng * to flare up, flame up, blush, turn suddenly red, burst out *
VNEN chiêu an * to call to surrender; call to return to a normal life *
VNEN chìa khóa trao tay * turnkey *
VNEN chín tới * done to a turn *
VNEN chế ra * to manufacture, turn out; to coin (a word) *
VNEN chỉ tổ * only turn out to~, if anything *
VNEN công ơn * service, good turn, merit *
VNEN cải củ * turnip, white radish *
VNEN cấm rẽ bên phải * no right turn *
VNEN cấm rẽ bên trái * no left turn *
VNEN cắt lần * in turn *
VNEN cố * (1) to make an effort, try (very hard)
(2) great grandfather
(3) to pawn
(4) reason
(5) old, former, late (deceased)
(6) intentional, premeditated
(7) firm, strong
(8) innate, original
(9) to look after, care for, turn one’s head
VNEN cồn ruột * turn one’s stomach, feel nauseous *
VNEN củ cải * turnip, beet *
VNEN doanh số * sales, turnover *
VNEN dĩ oán báo oán * to render or return insult for insult, answer evil with evil *
VNEN dĩ ân báo oán * to render or return good for evil *
VNEN dạ vũ * nocturnal rain *
VNEN dịch * (1) translation; to translate, turn, decode, transmit
(2) epidemic
VNEN dốc ngược * turn (something) upside down *
VNEN giao hoàn * return, give back *
VNEN giả * (1) false, fake, counterfeit
(2) to pay, return
VNEN giả ngơ * turn a blind eye to *
VNEN giằn giọc * toss and turn *
VNEN giở * to take out, turn (book) *
VNEN giở ra * to turn to (page) *
VNEN giỡ * to take out, turn (to page in a book) *
VNEN gạt * (1) to cheat, dupe, trick, deceive, beguile
(2) to reject, turn aside
VNEN gảy * flip of, poke and turn upside down, play, pluck *
VNEN gửi trả * to send back, return *
VNEN hoàn * to return *
VNEN hoàn lương * turn over a new leaf, reform *
VNEN hoàn tiền * to return, refund (money) *
VNEN hoàn tiền lại * to return, refund (money) *
VNEN hoàn trả * to return (money) *
VNEN hoàn trả lại * to return *
VNEN hoàn tục * give up the frock, return to the secular life *
VNEN hoàn tực * to return to secular life *
VNEN hoán cải * turn over a new leaf, reform, give up one’s bad ways for a good life *
VNEN hóa ra * to appear, turn out, become *
VNEN hóa ra rằng * it turns out that *
VNEN hư đốn * turn bad in character *
VNEN hải phản * sea return *
VNEN hồ tinh * mythical fox turned human *
VNEN hồi cư * return from evacuation *
VNEN hồi hương * to return to one’s country, return from abroad, repatriate *
VNEN hồi loan * return to the capital *
VNEN hồi trang * return to one’s native country *
VNEN hồi tục * to give up the frock, return to the secular life, to *
VNEN khuynh loát * overturn, overthrow *
VNEN khuất khúc * full of twists and turns tortuous *
VNEN khú * pungently sour (like sour cabbage turning bad, or damp clothes) *
VNEN khúc quanh * bend, turn *
VNEN khủng hoảng * crisis, emergency, critical moment, turning point *
VNEN kim ngạch * turn-over *
VNEN luân phiên * to alternate, take turns; alternating, rotating *
VNEN làm lơ * ignore, turn a blind eye to *
VNEN làm việc lại * to return to work *
VNEN lượt * time, turn *
VNEN lầm lì * taciturn, close-mouthed, silent *
VNEN lầm lỳ * taciturn *
VNEN lần * time, turn, round, occurrences *
VNEN lần lượt * in turn, successively, each, respectively *
VNEN lần tới * next time, turn *
VNEN lẫy * (of baby) turn over, roll over *
VNEN lật * to turn upside down, turn over; to cross, double-cross *
VNEN lật ngửa * turn upside down *
VNEN lật nhào * to overturn, overthrow *
VNEN lật trang * to turn the page (of a book, newspaper) *
VNEN lật úp * to capsize, overturn, overthrow *
VNEN lộn trái * to turn inside out *
VNEN máy quay đĩa * turntable *
VNEN mũi hếch * turned-up nose, snub nose *
VNEN mưng * turn into an abscess, gather *
VNEN mộng tinh * nocturnal emission, wet dream *
VNEN mới về * to just return, just get back *
VNEN mở * to open, start, begin, turn on, set up *
VNEN mở lớn * to turn up, open wider *
VNEN mở máy lạnh lên * to turn on the air conditioner *
VNEN mở nước * to turn on the water *
VNEN mở ti vi * to turn on the TV *
VNEN mở vòi nước * to turn on a faucet, turn on a tap *
VNEN ngoảnh * turn one’s head, turn round *
VNEN ngoảnh lại * turn one’s head, turn round *
VNEN ngoảnh mặt * to turn (one’s face) away *
VNEN ngoảnh đi * turn in another direction, turn away *
VNEN ngoảy * turn away in anger *
VNEN ngoắt * turn in another direction, turn *
VNEN ngoằn ngoèo * meandering, full of twists and turns, zigzagging, squiggly, winding *
VNEN ngoẹo * to turn, branch off; bent, curved *
VNEN ngã * to fall down, collapse, tumble down; crossroads, cross, crossing, turning point *
VNEN ngã ba lịch sử * a historical turning point *
VNEN ngả * to lean, incline, slope; direction, way; to ferment; to turn *
VNEN ngảnh cổ * to turn one’s head *
VNEN ngảnh lại * turn back, turn one’s face (towards) take care (of) *
VNEN ngảnh đi * turn away (from) not to bother about *
VNEN ngửng * to raise, turn up, lift (one’s head) *
VNEN nhường lại * to cede, give up, give back, return *
VNEN nhắm mắt làm ngơ * to ignore, look the other way, pretend not to see, turn a blind eye to *
VNEN nhờ * (1) thanks to, owing to
(2) to turn over, be dependent on, reply on
(3) to ask (a favor), request, please
VNEN nuộc * turn *
VNEN náo loạn * to disturb, turn upside down *
VNEN năng khiếu * gift, turn, vocation, aptitude *
VNEN nước bài * move, lead, turn *
VNEN nấc * step, stair, step, turn *
VNEN nộp * (1) to submit, hand over, turn in, deliver, pay (a fine)
(2) see nạp
VNEN nộp đơn xin * to turn in or submit an application *
VNEN nợ miệng * return invitation to dinner *
VNEN phen * time, turn *
VNEN phien * time, turn *
VNEN phát hoàn * reimburse, return, give back, restore, send back *
VNEN phản * (1) wooden bed, camp bed
(2) to turn back, oppose, be contrary
(3) to counter, betray
VNEN phản hồi * to go back, return to; feedback *
VNEN phớt lờ * to defy, ignore, bypass, turn a deaf ear or a blind *
VNEN phớt đời * to turn a completely blind eye to life, show *
VNEN phục hoàn * to reintegrate, return *
VNEN phục nguyên * to restore, return to health, rehabilitate *
VNEN quanh quẩn * to turn around, go around in circles *
VNEN quay 180 độ * to turn 180 degrees, completely reverse oneself *
VNEN quay * (1) to roast (fowl, pig)
(2) to turn (wheel, crank), revolve, go around, swivel, spin
VNEN quay giáo * turn one’s arms against *
VNEN quay gót * turn on one’s heels *
VNEN quay lui * to turn back, go back *
VNEN quay lưng * turn one’s back on *
VNEN quay lại * to turn round, come back, return *
VNEN quay mặt * to turn *
VNEN quay người * to turn (oneself) around *
VNEN quay người lại * to turn (oneself) around *
VNEN quay nhìn * to turn around and look at *
VNEN quay sang * to turn towards *
VNEN quay súng * to turn a gun (on sb), twirl a gun (in one’s hand) *
VNEN quay trở * to turn back *
VNEN quay trở lại * to turn around *
VNEN quay trở vào * to turn around and go back in *
VNEN quay trở về * to turn around and come back *
VNEN quay tít * to turn (rapidly) *
VNEN quay về với tôn giáo * to turn to religion *
VNEN quay đi * turn away from, turn one’s back *
VNEN quy kỳ * date of one’s return *
VNEN quy ninh * return to one’s paternal home after the wedding day *
VNEN quy điền * return to one’s field, retire from business *
VNEN quành * to turn *
VNEN quái * (1) nothing at all
(2) odd, strange
(3) trigram
(4) to turn around
VNEN quặt * to turn *
VNEN quẹo * to make a turn *
VNEN quẹo gắt * sharp turn *
VNEN quẹo phải * to turn right *
VNEN quẹo ra * to turn off *
VNEN quẹo ra xa lộ * to turn off the highway *
VNEN quẹo tay trái * make a left turn *
VNEN quẹo trái * to turn left *
VNEN quẹo vào * to turn into *
VNEN quẹo xe * to turn a car *
VNEN ra miệng * speak in public, begin to speak have one’s turn to speak *
VNEN ra tuồng * turn out to be, prove to be *
VNEN rẽ * to turn (right or left) *
VNEN rẽ tay phải * to turn to the right *
VNEN rẽ tay trái * to turn to the left *
VNEN sang trang * turn over a page (of history) *
VNEN sao thổ * Saturn *
VNEN suy đi nghĩ lại * to go back and forth, turn over (in one’s thoughts) *
VNEN suốt lượt * all in turn *
VNEN tan thành * to dissolve, melt, turn into *
VNEN thay phiên * to rotate, do by turns *
VNEN thuế doanh thu * turnover tax, sales tax *
VNEN thù tạ * thank, give thanks to, return sb’s kindness *
VNEN thù đáp * to pay in turn, show one’s gratitude, return sb’s kindness *
VNEN thất điên bát đảo * be upset, be turned upside down *
VNEN thổ tinh * Saturn *
VNEN thợ tiện * lathe worker, turner *
VNEN trao lại * to return (something to someone) *
VNEN trao trả * to hand back, return, give back *
VNEN treo ấn từ quan * to return the seals *
VNEN tròn mười một tuổi * to turn, become 11 (years old) *
VNEN trúc đổ * overthrow, overturn *
VNEN trước thềm thế kỷ * at the turn of the century *
VNEN trạm mãi lộ * tollbooth (on a turnpike) *
VNEN trả * (1) to pay, repay, pay back
(2) to return, give back
VNEN trả lại cho chủ cũ * to return to the original owner(s) *
VNEN trả lễ * to return a civility *
VNEN trả nợ miệng * to return an invitation to dinner *
VNEN trả đồ * to return sth *
VNEN trầm mặc * taciturn *
VNEN trằn trọc * to toss, turn (unrest) *
VNEN trộn * to merge, mix, blend, turn upside down *
VNEN trời đẹp trở lại * the beautiful weather returns *
VNEN trở * to return; to hamper, hinder; to turn, change *
VNEN trở cờ * traitor, turncoat *
VNEN trở gót * to turn back, retrace *
VNEN trở lại * to come back, return; again *
VNEN trở lại bình thường * to return to normal *
VNEN trở lại chính quyền * to return to government *
VNEN trở lại chính trị * to return to politics *
VNEN trở lại làm việc * to return to work *
VNEN trở lại với * returning to (what one was talking about) *
VNEN trở mình * to turn over *
VNEN trở nên * to turn, become *
VNEN trở ra * to return (back out of) *
VNEN trở về * to come back, be back, return *
VNEN trở về an cư * to return to a happy life *
VNEN trở về nhà * to go home, return home *
VNEN trở về quê hương * to return to one’s homeland *
VNEN trở về đất mẹ * to return to one’s homeland *
VNEN tu chí * (morally) reform, turn over a new leaf *
VNEN tu tỉnh * to mend one’s ways, better one’s conduct, turn over a *
VNEN tuần * (1) week, 10 days, decade
(2) round, turn around
(3) to visit, guard, patrol
VNEN tái hồi * to return again *
VNEN tái lai * come again, come back, return *
VNEN tái lại * return, go back, recurrence (of disease), recur (of disease) *
VNEN tái mặt * to turn pale *
VNEN tâm ngẩm * taciturn *
VNEN té ra * to turn out to be *
VNEN tình hình phát triển một cách bất lợi * an unfavorable turn in the situation *
VNEN tảng lờ * to feign ignorance, pretend, fake; to turn away from, ignore, neglect *
VNEN tắt * (1) to be shortened, abbreviated
(2) to turn off, extinguish, switch off, turn off
(3) to die out, be extinct
VNEN tắt máy * to turn off an engine *
VNEN tắt máy xe * to turn off the engine (of a car) *
VNEN tắt ti vi * to turn off the television *
VNEN tắt đèn * to turn off the light *
VNEN tốc * speed; to turn up (over), blow up *
VNEN tới phien ai * whose turn is it? *
VNEN tờ khai * return, statement, declaration *
VNEN tức nước vỡ bờ * even a worm will turn *
VNEN từ * from, since, of; to leave; to turn down; word, expression, vocabulary; temple guard; to renounce, give up *
VNEN từ chối * to refuse, decline, turn down *
VNEN tỷ số biến đổi * turn ratio *
VNEN vinh quy * (of successful examinee) return to one’s village *
VNEN vác mặt * to turn up, show up, show one’s face *
VNEN vần xoay * (of events) turn *
VNEN vặn * to screw, turn (on), twist, wind, switch on *
VNEN vặn chìa khóa * to turn a key (in a lock) *
VNEN vặn chìa khóa một nấc nữa * to turn the key another click *
VNEN vặn lớn * to turn up (volume) *
VNEN vặn nhỏ * to turn down *
VNEN vặn nhỏ nhạc * to turn down (the) music *
VNEN vặn nắm cửa * to turn a doorknob *
VNEN về * (1) about, concerning, regarding
(2) in, towards
(3) to come back, return, go
VNEN về hưu * to retire, return *
VNEN về quê * to go to the country(side); to return home (to one’s homeland) *
VNEN xoay * to turn, revolve *
VNEN xoay chuyển * to revolve, rotate, turn, reverse *
VNEN xoay người * to turn oneself around *
VNEN xoay người lại * to turn (one’s body) around *
VNEN xoay người ra sau * to turn (oneself) around backwards, turn (oneself) facing backwards *
VNEN xoay quanh * to turn around; around, surrounding *
VNEN xoay tít * to spin rapidly, turn rapidly *
VNEN xoáy * (1) to turn around, whirl around, change direction, be resourceful, manage to get
(2) to swipe
VNEN xoắn * to twist, turn; to hold, hang onto *
VNEN xáo trộn * to confuse, mix up, mess up, turn upside down, upset; confusion, mix up, disorder *
VNEN xây mặt * to turn away *
VNEN xắn * to turn up, roll up, tuck up *
VNEN xới * to turn up *
VNEN úp * to upset, overturn, turn (over) *
VNEN đem lại * to restore, return, bring back, take back *
VNEN đi ngược lại * to go against, be contrary to; to turn back, backtrack, retrace one’s steps *
VNEN đi sớm về khuya * to go out early and return late *
VNEN đi về * to return, go back, go home *
VNEN đào bới * to dig, excavate, turn over (earth); to call somebody names, curse and swear *
VNEN đánh dấu một khúc quanh quan trọng * to mark an important turning point *
VNEN đáp lại * (1) in turn
(2) to respond, answer
VNEN đáp lễ * to reply, return *
VNEN đã trót phóng lao * the die has been cast, there is no turning back *
VNEN đưa lại * to give back, return *
VNEN đảo * (1) isle, island
(2) to turn (over, around, etc.)
(3) to pray for rain
VNEN đảo lộn * to invert, upset, turn upside down *
VNEN đảo mắt * to turn one’s eye *
VNEN đảo ngược * to overturn, upset *
VNEN đảo ngược một luật * to overturn a law *
VNEN đắp nhớ đổi sầu * sorrow and yearning by turns *
VNEN đến lượt * when one’s time, turn arrives *
VNEN đến lượt mình * when your time, turn comes *
VNEN đến Ông Nam * it’s Mr. Nam’s turn *
VNEN đền * (1) to compensate for, return, make up for
(2) temple
VNEN đền ơn * to repay a favor, return a favor *
VNEN đồng lần * in turn, by turns *
VNEN đổ đốn * go to the bad, take a bad turn *
VNEN đỡ * to help, assist (by assuming burden), parry, ward off, turn aside, prop, hold up, relieve *
VNEN ở Pháp về * to return home from France *
VNEN ửng hồng * to redden, turn pink *

GNOT: to turn Spatial • direction
GNOT: to turn Temporal • change
SNOT: to turn on House and home, environment • services
SNOT: to turn off House and home, environment • services
SNOT: return Travel • public transport
SNOT: it is my (etc.) turn Shopping • shopping facilities

A2 turn (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: xoay turn
OXF3000N quay xoay vặn sự quay vòng quay turn

OTOP: turn * Health Being ill
OTOP: turn * Leisure Board games
OTOP: turn * Science Devices
OTOP: turn * Travel and tourism Driving
OTOP: turn * Travel and tourism Features of roads

BNC6000 : turn [ Rank: 1043 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : turn [ Rank: 205 ] v 👪

OPD : Turn on the lights. A Day at School
OPD : Turn off the lights. A Day at School
OPD : return Shopping
OPD : turnips Vegetables
OPD : bottle return A Grocery Store
OPD : return a book The Library
OPD : return address The Post Office
OPD : turnstile Public Transportation
OPD : U-turn OK Traffic Signs
OPD : right turn only Traffic Signs
OPD : no left turn Traffic Signs
OPD : Turn right on Pine Street. Directions
OPD : Turn left on Oak Street. Directions
OPD : turn signal Parts of the Car
OPD : turn signal Parts of the Car
OPD : Turn off your cellphone. An Airport
OPD : Turn off your cellphone. Interview Skills
OPD : Turn in your paper. English Composition
OPD : Saturn The Universe
OPD : turn off lights Energy and Conservation
OPD : turnable Electronics and Photography

FN: turn n Change_direction
FN: turn n Temporal_subregion
FN: turn v Cause_to_move_in_place
FN: turn v Cause_change
FN: turn v Contingency
FN: turn v Undergo_change
FN: turn v Moving_in_place
FN: turn v Change_direction
FN: turn v Becoming

VSLW123 lần ☊ (S) time, turn vsl1
VSLW123 rẽ ☊ (S) to turn vsl1
VSLW123 quẹo ☊ (S) to make a turn vsl1
VSLW123 mở ☊ (S) to turn on, to open vsl3
VSLW123 cúp ☊ (S) to be cut off, turn off vsl3
VSLW123 ☊ (S) spoiled, turn into bad character vsl3
VSLW 45 trở về ☊ (S) to return, come back [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 đợt ☊ (S) a time, a turn [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 quay lại ☊ (S) to return [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 lượt khách ☊ (S) tourist arrival, tourist turn [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 biến...thành... ☊ (S) to [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 doanh số ☊ (S) sale, turn-over [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 trăn trở ☊ (S) toss and turn * [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 biến...thành ☊ (S) turn...into [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 nhắm mắt làm ngơ ☊ (S) to turn a blind eye [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 xoay chuyển ☊ (S) turn something around [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 làm ngơ ☊ (S) to turn a blind eye [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 quay vòng vốn ☊ (S) capital turnover [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Chợ Nancy hả? Chị đi thẳng đường này. Đến ngã tư thứ hai, rẽ trái. Nancy Market? You go straight this way. At the second intersection then turn left. vsl1
VSLS Đi thêm khoảng 500 mét nữa, rẽ phải. Go about 500 meters more then turn right. vsl1

DUOS Tắt đèn Turn off the light Verbs 2
DUOS tắt turn off Verbs 2
DUOS bật turn on Verbs 2
DUOS Những đứa trẻ tắt đèn và ngủ. The children turn off the light and sleep. Verbs 2
DUOS Bạn có muốn trở về Việt Nam không? Do you want to return to Vietnam? Verbs 2
DUOS trở về return Verbs 2
DUOS Con mèo của bạn sẽ không trở về. Your cat will not return. Future
DUOS trở về  return Future
DUOS trở lại  return Future
DUOS Cô ấy có trở lại không? Does she return? Verbs 2.5
DUOS Trở lại làm việc! Return to work! Verbs 2.5
DUOS Khi cô ấy trở lại, cô ấy hạnh phúc hơn tôi nghĩ. When she returns, she is happier than I think. Verbs 2.5
DUOS trở lại return Verbs 2.5
DUOS Anh ấy bỗng trở về. He suddenly returns. Adverbs
DUOS Bạn phải trở lại trụ sở chính ngay lập tức! You must return to the headquarters immediately. Places
DUOS Cô ấy đồng ý trở về Đan Mạch với chúng tôi. She agrees to return to Denmark with us. Countries 2
DUOS Nhà khoa học đó trở lại như một anh hùng. That scientist returned as a hero. People
DUOS Lượt của tôi my turn Abstract Objects 1
DUOS Lượt turn Abstract Objects 1
DUOS Tôi muốn bay đến Sao Thổ. I want to fly to Saturn. Astronomy
DUOS Sao Thổ Saturn Astronomy

50L Tôi muốn một vé khứ hồi về Kopenhagen. * I’d like a return ticket to Copenhagen. 035
50L Chúng tôi phải quay lại. * We must turn around. 039
50L Làm ơn rẽ phải ở đây. * Please turn right here. 040
50L Làm ơn góc kia rẽ trái. * Please turn left at the corner. 040
50L Rồi bạn rẽ phải đường thứ nhất. * Then turn into the first street on your right. 042