like: traditional
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all words:
VNEN bận quốc phục * traditional clothing *
VNEN cổ truyền * age-old, traditional *
VNEN cựu học * traditional training *
VNEN cựu nho * traditionally trained scholar *
VNEN giá trị cổ truyền * traditional values *
VNEN gạch lá nem * traditional terra-cotta floor tile *
VNEN hành vân * a kind of traditional old tune *
VNEN lang trung * doctor (traditional type) *
VNEN lang y * medicine man, healer, traditional herb doctor *
VNEN liu * one of the five musical notes (in Vietnamese traditional music) *
VNEN nam ai * traditional song (originated in the central regions) *
VNEN nam bằng * traditional song (originated in the central regions) *
VNEN nam phục * traditional clothing (of Vietnam) *
VNEN ngũ âm * the five notes (of the traditional musical scale) *
VNEN nón cụ * traditional wedding hat *
VNEN phi cổ truyền * non-traditional *
VNEN phi truyền thống * non-traditional *
VNEN phá lệ * break traditional practices *
VNEN sa lệch * six-eight line tune (in traditional operetta) *
VNEN theo truyền thống * according to tradition, traditionally *
VNEN thuốc tễ * pills (in Chinese traditional medicine) *
VNEN truyền thống * tradition; traditional *
VNEN tân học * modern (western) education (as opposed to traditional education) *
VNEN tôn giáo cổ truyền * traditional religion *
VNEN tứ đại cảnh * name of a traditional piece of music *
VNEN vai trò cổ truyền * traditional role *
VNEN văn sách * traditional sino-Vietnamese dissertation *
VNEN vọng cổ * think of the past, name of a traditional tune *
VNEN áo dài * traditional Vietnamese dress *
VNEN áo tứ thân * type of traditional dress *
VNEN điểm huyệt * hit at dangerous spots (in traditional boxing) *
VNEN đạo đức cô truyền * traditional values, morals *

B1 traditional (adj.)

OXF3000: truyền thống traditional
OXF3000N theo truyền thống theo lối cổ traditional

OTOP: traditional * Houses and buildings Architectural styles

BNC6000 : traditional [ Rank: 1025 ] a 👪

FN: traditional a Custom

VSLW123 áo dài ☊ (S) Vietnamese traditional dress vsl3
VSLW123 khăn mỏ quạ ☊ (S) head piece in traditional VN style vsl3
VSLW123 nón quai thao ☊ (S) traditional flat top hat vsl3
VSLW123 y phục truyền thống ☊ (S) traditional clothing vsl3
VSLW 45 (món ăn) truyền thống ☊ (S) traditional foods, tradition [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 truyền thống ☊ (S) traditional [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 chợ truyền thống ☊ (S) traditional market [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 tục lệ truyền thống ☊ (S) traditional customs [ Intermediate Reading ]

DUOS Phở truyền thống. Traditional Pho Adjectives 1
DUOS truyền thống traditional Adjectives 1
DUOS Đây là bảo tàng văn hoá và truyền thống. This is the cultural and traditional museum. Places
DUOS Phong tục truyền thống củachúng tôi Our traditional custom History