like: trace
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Advanced Level


VNEN dấu túch * trace *
VNEN tăm tích * trace *

all words:
VNEN biền biệt * without a trace *
VNEN biệt tích * to not leave any traces *
VNEN cổ tích * trace, vestige *
VNEN di tích * trace, vestige, remain *
VNEN dấu * mark, sign, signal, (tone) mark, stamp, track, print, trace, tone, seal *
VNEN dấu túch * trace *
VNEN dấu vết * trace, vestige *
VNEN hình tích * trace, imprint *
VNEN hằn * (1) grudge, spite
(2) trace
VNEN không cánh mà bay * to vanish without trace *
VNEN mất hút * to lose sight of somebody, leave no trace, disappear *
VNEN ngấn lệ * traces of tears *
VNEN ngầm ngập * without leaving any traces *
VNEN nội bào * intracelluler *
VNEN nội tế bào * intracellular *
VNEN phi tang * destroy the evidence, destroy the traces of crime *
VNEN truy nguyên * to trace back to (the source of sth) *
VNEN tróc nã * trace, track, hunt for, track down *
VNEN trở gót * to turn back, retrace *
VNEN tung tích * trace, vestige *
VNEN tuyệt tích * to vanish, leave no trace *
VNEN tàn tích * trace, vestige *
VNEN tích * to store up, accumulate; trace, vestige *
VNEN tăm * bubble, trace, toothpick *
VNEN tăm dạng * trace, remains *
VNEN tăm tích * trace *
VNEN vân mòng * news, tidings, piece of news, trace, track *
VNEN vạch * to expose, uncover, open; to trace, draw; line *
VNEN vết * spot, trace, mark, blur, splotch, stain, blob, scab, defect *
VNEN vết tích * trace, vestige *
VNEN đi ngược lại * to go against, be contrary to; to turn back, backtrack, retrace one’s steps *
VNEN đấu tích * mark, sign, trace, vestige, residue *

B2 trace (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: dấu vết trace
OXF3000N phát hiện tìm thấy vạch chỉ ra phác họa dấu vết trace

OTOP: trace * Technology Phone services

BNC6000 : trace [ Rank: 3635 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : trace [ Rank: 2991 ] v 👪

FN: trace n Quantified_mass
FN: trace n Physical_artworks
FN: trace n Connectors
FN: trace n Leaving_traces
FN: trace n Ingredients
FN: trace n Graph_shape

VSLW123 di tích ☊ (S) vestige, trace, relic vsl3