like: to weigh
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VNEN cân kẹo * to weigh *

all words:
VNEN cân * (1) to weigh; equal, balanced; balance, scales
(2) tendon, muscle, nerve
(3) towel, handkerchief
(4) one kilogram
VNEN cân kẹo * to weigh *
VNEN cân móc hàm * to weigh an animal slaughtered, weight of an animal slaughtered *
VNEN cân nhắc nhiều vấn đề * to weigh many issues, topics *
VNEN cân nặng * to weigh heavy *
VNEN nhổ neo * to weigh anchor *
VNEN trọng tải * to weigh; weight of, tonnage, load, capacity *
VNEN đè nặng trên vai * to weigh heavily on one’s shoulders *

GNOT: to weigh Spatial • weight

VSLW 67 cân, đong, đo, đếm ☊ (S) to weigh, to measure, to count [ Advanced Reading ]