like: to stop
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN hảm * to stop *
VNEN ngưng lại * to stop *

all words:
VNEN bãi * (1) field, flat area, plain
(2) to stop, cease, halt, cancel, annul, disperse
VNEN bãi chiến * to stop hostilities, cease fighting *
VNEN can * (1) to stop, dissuade
(2) to concern, involve
(3) to dissuade, stop someone from doing something, interfere, break up
(4) symbol of the Chinese zodiac
(5) shield
(6) liver
(7) to accuse
VNEN chế ngự * to stop, restrain, control *
VNEN cản * to stop, block; bumper, fender *
VNEN dừng * to stop, hold, halt *
VNEN dừng bước * to stop walking *
VNEN dừng chân * to stop (walking), make a stop *
VNEN ghé * to stop off at *
VNEN ghé lại * to stop by (at a place) *
VNEN ghé vào * to stop (and get out) at *
VNEN gượm * to stop, wait a while *
VNEN hãm * (1) to stop, brake
(2) to harass, betray
VNEN hảm * to stop *
VNEN hết chịu nổi * to stop putting up with, endure no longer *
VNEN hết cười * to stop laughing *
VNEN hết thân nhau * to stop being friends (with each other) *
VNEN khựng * to stop (suddenly) *
VNEN lan rộng * to spread widely; widespread, difficult to stop, rampant *
VNEN liền ngưng hẳn * to stop right away, stop immediately *
VNEN lưu * to stop, detain, keep *
VNEN lưu giữ * to stop, keep, detain, hold, store *
VNEN ngăn chận * to stop, block, prevent *
VNEN ngưng chạy * to stop running, shut down *
VNEN ngưng hoạt động * to stop, halt operations *
VNEN ngưng hẳn * to stop completely, come to a complete stop *
VNEN ngưng làm việc * to stop working *
VNEN ngưng lại * to stop *
VNEN ngưng một lúc * to stop for a moment *
VNEN ngưng nói * to stop talking *
VNEN ngưng đọng * to stop, halt, be at a standstill *
VNEN ngừng * to stop (short), cease *
VNEN ngừng một chút * to stop for a moment *
VNEN ngừng nói * to stop speaking *
VNEN ngừng đập * to stop beating *
VNEN nín khóc * to stop crying *
VNEN thấy hết buồn ngủ * to stop feeling sleepy *
VNEN thắng * (1) brake (pedal); to stop, brake, harness
(2) to win, conquer; victory, conquest
VNEN thắng xe * to stop a car, put on the brakes *
VNEN trám miệng * to stop’s somebody’s mouth *
VNEN tĩnh * (1) quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful
(2) altar
(3) to stop, pacify
VNEN tạnh * to stop (raining) *
VNEN tạnh mưa * to stop raining *
VNEN tắt kinh * to stop (cease menses) *
VNEN ăn non * to stop gambling while one is ahead *
VNEN đình chỉ * to stop, cease, suspend *
VNEN đình chỉ xuất khẩu * to stop production *
VNEN đón đầu * wait (for someone) in front (to stop his advance) *
VNEN đỗ * to stop, park (vehicle); to pass an examination *
VNEN đứng lại * to stop, halt *
VNEN dừng trước * to stop in front of *

GNOT: to stop Spatial • motion
SNOT: to stop work Daily life • at work

VSLW123 dừng lại ☊ (S) to stop vsl1
VSLW123 ngừng ☊ (S) to stop, to halt vsl3
VSLW 45 dừng lại ☊ (S) to stop at [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 ngừng ☊ (S) to stop [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 ngừng ☊ (S) to cease, to stop [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 phanh ☊ (S) to break / to stop [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Họ muốn dừng sản xuất thuốc lá. They want to stop producing tobacco. Verbs 2