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VNEN mại * to sell *

all words:
VNEN buôn dân bán nước * to sell one’s country down the river *
VNEN buôn hàng xách * to sell on commission *
VNEN bán * (1) to sell
(2) half, demi-, semi-, hemi-
VNEN bán buôn * to sell wholesale *
VNEN bán chác * to sell, trade *
VNEN bán chạy * to sell well *
VNEN bán chịu * to sell on credit *
VNEN bán hàng * to sell goods *
VNEN bán hạ giá * to sell at a lower price *
VNEN bán hết nhà cửa * to sell all of one’s belongings *
VNEN bán linh hồn * to sell one’s soul *
VNEN bán linh hồn cho quỷ * to sell one’s soul to the devil *
VNEN bán lẻ * retailer, retail store; to sell at retail *
VNEN bán mình * to sell oneself *
VNEN bán mớ * to sell in bulk *
VNEN bán non * to sell (crops) in ears (at cheap price) *
VNEN bán nước * to sell one’s country, betray one’s country *
VNEN bán rẻ * to sell at a low or reduced price, sell cheaply or on the cheap *
VNEN bán sỉ * to sell in bulk, wholesale *
VNEN bán tiền mặt * to sell for cash *
VNEN bán đứng * to sell someone down the river *
VNEN bán đứt * to sell without the right of redeeming *
VNEN mại * to sell *
VNEN mại quốc cầu vinh * to sell one’s country to seek honors *
VNEN nhượng lại cái vườn * to sell one’s garden *
VNEN đắt hàng * to sell well, be much in demand, be much sought after *

VSLW123 bán ☊ (S) to sell vsl1
VSLW123 bán hàng ☊ (S) to sell vsl2
VSLW 67 ế chỏng chơ ☊ (S) unable to sell [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Chúng tôi bắt đầu bán những tờ báo vào ngày hôm qua. We started to sell the newspapers yesterday. Past
DUOS Người nông dân không đồng ý bán đất của anh ấy. The farmer does not agree to sell his land. Nature