like: to put
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all words:
VNEN bát tiễu * to put down, quell, repress *
VNEN bỏ công * to put effort into *
VNEN bỏ công sức trong nỗ lực này * to put effort into this struggle *
VNEN bỏ túi * to put in one’s pocket *
VNEN bỏ về phía sau * to put behind someone *
VNEN chấm hết * to put a final stop to (a writing) *
VNEN chấp bút * to put down in writing (the ideas of a community) *
VNEN chịu được * to be able to stand, able to tolerate, able to put up with *
VNEN có da có thịt * to put on flesh *
VNEN cất vào túi * to put in one’s pocket *
VNEN cất đi * to put away, take away *
VNEN cứu hỏa * to put out a fire *
VNEN dàn * to put in an order, deploy, display, arrange *
VNEN dán áp phích * to put up a poster *
VNEN dằn * to put down, beat down, press, emphasize *
VNEN dẹp * to put down, repress, quell *
VNEN dẹp qua một bên * to put aside, place to one side *
VNEN dự thầu * to put in a bid or tender, make a bid, submit a tender *
VNEN dự trữ * to put by, lay aside, reserve, have a reserve of *
VNEN ghi tên * to put one’s name down, sign up, write one’s name on a list *
VNEN giằn * to put down heavily *
VNEN gác * (1) upper floor, upper story
(2) to guard, watch
(3) to put, set on
(4) to forget about
VNEN gác bỏ * to put away, give up *
VNEN hợm mình * to put on airs; snobbish, stuck-up, self-important *
VNEN khất lần khất lựa * to put off, delay *
VNEN làm người nào an lòng * to put someone at ease *
VNEN làm ra vẻ * to put on an appearance, give an appearance of *
VNEN lên mặt * haughty; to put on airs *
VNEN lấy thúng úp voi * to put a quart into a pint pot, to *
VNEN lắp * to put together, join, assemble, load *
VNEN lắp vào * to put in, install *
VNEN mặc quần dài * to put on, wear long pants *
VNEN mặc áo * to put on clothing *
VNEN mặc đồ * to put on clothes *
VNEN mặc đồ lính * to put on a (military) uniform *
VNEN mớm lời * to put words into somebody’s mouth, prime somebody about what to say *
VNEN ngủ trọ * to put up at an inn or at a hotel *
VNEN nhập hàng vào kho * to put goods in a warehouse *
VNEN nhặng * (1) blue-bottle fly, Calliphoridae
(2) to put on airs, be fussy
VNEN níu áo * to put obstacles in somebody’s way, obstruct, impede somebody’s progress *
VNEN nói lót * to put in a good word (with influential people, for someone) *
VNEN nói như vậy thì * to put it that way, say it like that *
VNEN nắn xương * to put a bone back in place, reduce a bone *
VNEN phát sóng * to put (a play) on the air, broadcast, telecast *
VNEN phơi nắng * to put out in the sun, expose to the sun *
VNEN quản thúc tại gia * to put under house arrest *
VNEN ra oai * to put on airs *
VNEN sụ dẹp bạo loạn * to put down a riot, uprising *
VNEN thè * to put out, stick out (one’s tongue) *
VNEN thò tay vào trong * to put one’s hand inside *
VNEN thọc gậy bánh xe * to put a spoke in somebody’s wheel *
VNEN thực hành một chương trình * to put a program into practice *
VNEN tác động * to put into operation, act on, influence, (have an) effect; activity, action, effect, impact *
VNEN vun vén * to put in order *
VNEN vụ dẹp * to put down, subdue *
VNEN xuốt ra * to put out, forth *
VNEN xếp thứ tự * to put in order *
VNEN xếp vào loại * to put into a category, categorize *
VNEN áp tai vào tường * to put one’s ear to the wall *
VNEN áp đặt một gánh nặng * to put, place a burden on *
VNEN đeo ống chống âm thanh vào * to put in earplugs *
VNEN đình trệ * to put off, slow down, stagnate, reach a deadlock *
VNEN đóng mốc * to put a landmark *
VNEN đăng báo * to put in a (news)paper *
VNEN đưa ra * to put forward, issue, release, propose, set forth *
VNEN đưa ra kết quả * to put forth, release results *
VNEN đưa ra ý kiến * to put forward an opinion *
VNEN đưa vào thương mại * to put on (or introduce to) the market *
VNEN đặt bút * to put pen to paper *
VNEN đặt hết tin tưởng vào * to put all of one’s trust in *
VNEN đặt lên ngôi * to put, place on the throne *
VNEN đặt trong tình trạng báo động * to put on alert *
VNEN đặt ách lên con trâu * to put a yoke on a buffalo *
VNEN đề khởi * be first to propose, be first to suggest, be first to put forward *
VNEN để * (1) in order to, so, so that; to allow, permit; to put, place, let (someone do something) *
VNEN để phần * to put by someone’s share, save a portion (of something) *
VNEN đồng hóa * to put in the same category, make no distinction between *
VNEN đứng ra bảo đảm * to put forward a guarantee, vouch for *

GNOT: to put Spatial • direction
GNOT: to put right Qualitative • physical condition
GNOT: to put something right Qualitative • correctness/incorrectness
SNOT: to put on (clothes) Shopping • clothes

VSLW123 mặc/mang/ đội ☊ (S) to wear, to put on, to dress vsl3
VSLW123 cất ☊ (S) to put away vsl3
VSLW123 dọn dẹp ☊ (S) to clean up, to put things in order vsl3
VSLW 45 đưa ra ☊ (S) to put forward [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 đưa ... vào ☊ (S) to put... into, to bring... into [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 gác lại ☊ (S) to leave, to put aside [ Intermediate Reading ]