like: to miss
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN mong nhớ * to miss *
VNEN tiểu thư * to miss *
VNEN đánh hụt * to miss *

all words:
VNEN bỏ lỡ * to miss (chance, opportunity) *
VNEN lở * to crumble; to miss, fail, lose *
VNEN lỡ * to miss, be clumsy *
VNEN lỡ tàu * to miss the boat, miss the train *
VNEN mong nhớ * to miss *
VNEN mong nhớ người yêu * to miss one’s sweetheart *
VNEN nhớ quê hương * to miss one’s homeland *
VNEN nhỡ * (1) of medium size, medium-sized
(2) to miss (train, meal, etc.)
VNEN nhỡ tàu * to miss the boat (literally and figuratively) *
VNEN tiểu thư * to miss *
VNEN đánh hụt * to miss *

GNOT: to miss Existentia • discovery, non-discovery
GNOT: to miss Qualitative • discovery, non-discovery

VSLW 67 bỏ lọt sót ☊ (S) to leave out and to miss [ Advanced Reading ]