like: to defend
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Advanced Level


VNEN phòng ngự * to defend *

all words:
VNEN biện hộ * to defend, plead, apologize; defense (legal) *
VNEN bào chữa * to defend, plead for, act as counsel for *
VNEN bảo hiến * to defend the constitution *
VNEN bảo vệ bằng vũ lực * to defend by force *
VNEN bảo vệ hành động * to defend one’s activities *
VNEN bảo vệ tổ quốc * to defend a country *
VNEN bắn để tự vệ * to shoot in self-defence, shoot to defend onself *
VNEN canh giữ * to defend, guard, watch *
VNEN chống chế * to defend oneself *
VNEN phòng ngự * to defend *
VNEN phòng thủ * to defend; defense *
VNEN tự vệ * (self-)defense; to defend oneself *
VNEN vệ thân * to defend oneself *
VNEN để tự vệ * to defend oneself, in self-defence *

SNOT: to defend Relations with other people • war and peace

VSLW 67 bào chữa ☊ (S) to defend (at court) [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 biện hộ ☊ (S) to defend [ Advanced Reading ]