like: to cut
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN beng * to cut (off) *
VNEN beng cổ * to cut the neck of *
VNEN bỏ bớt * to cut down, cut back, reduce *
VNEN chém * to cut, chop *
VNEN chặn hậu * to cut off the enemy’s retreat *
VNEN chặt * (1) fast, close, tight; solid
(2) to cut, chop down
VNEN chặt cây * to cut down a tree *
VNEN chặt ngọn * to cut the top off (a tree), (fig) beat to the punch *
VNEN cách bức * distant, indirect; to cut off, separate, isolate *
VNEN cúp * to cut, disconnect, cut in (traffic) *
VNEN cắt * to cut, reduce, chop *
VNEN cắt bằng phẳng * to cut smoothly *
VNEN cắt bỏ * to cut out *
VNEN cắt giảm * to cut back on, cut down, reduce *
VNEN cắt rau * to cut up vegetables *
VNEN cắt tóc * to cut hair, give a haircut *
VNEN cắt tóc ngắn * to cut one’s hair short *
VNEN cắt đứt * to cut (off), sever, break off *
VNEN cắt đứt lời * to cut someone off (while speaking) *
VNEN cứa * to cut with a blunt knife *
VNEN giảm nhẹ * to cut down, lighten *
VNEN khứa * to cut little by little *
VNEN làm cỏ * to cut or mow grass, cut or mow the lawn *
VNEN lạng * to cut into thin slices *
VNEN lẻo * to cut neatly *
VNEN * (1) to cut off, prune
(2) edge, border, space, area, side
VNEN nhát * (1) short time
(2) to cut, stab, slash
(3) cowardly, shy, timid
VNEN rách đối * to cut or tear in two *
VNEN rạch * (1) canal, stream
(2) to cut, rip, divide
VNEN rọc * to cut open *
VNEN siết * to cut off, slash off; to squeeze, wring, fasten, tighten *
VNEN thiến dái * to cut off sb’s genitals *
VNEN thẻo * piece, bit, slice; to cut *
VNEN xén * to cut, trim *
VNEN xắt * to cut, slice *
VNEN xẻo * to cut off, cut up, cut out *
VNEN đẵn * to cut down, chop down *
VNEN đẵn củi * to cut firewood *
VNEN đẵn gỗ * to cut down wood, trees *
VNEN đẽo * to cut, squeeze (money) *
VNEN đốn * to cut down, chop down *
VNEN đốn cây * to cut down a tree *

GNOT: to cut Qualitative • physical condition
SNOT: to cut Health and body care • hygiene
SNOT: to cut Health and body care • ailments– accidents

VSLW123 cắt ☊ (S) to cut (with scissor) vsl3
VSLW 67 trồng trọt ☊ (S) to plant, to cutivate [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 cứa ☊ (S) to cut [ Advanced Reading ]