like: to check
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VNEN củ soát * to check *
VNEN kiểm kê * to check *
VNEN soát * to check *

all words:
VNEN củ soát * to check *
VNEN khám * to check, examine, search *
VNEN kiềm hãm * to check, keep under control *
VNEN kiểm kê * to check *
VNEN kiểm lỗi chính tả * to check spelling, spell check *
VNEN nghiệm thu * to check and take over, put into operation; operational startup *
VNEN nén giận * to check, control one’s anger *
VNEN * (1) to check
(2) to grope, thrust oneself
VNEN soát * to check *
VNEN xét duyệt * to check, approve, confirm, verify *
VNEN án mạch * to check, feel, take someone’s pulse *

SNOT: to check in Travel • public transport
SNOT: to check out Travel • accommodation
SNOT: to check Services • petrol station

VSLW123 lấy phòng ☊ (S) to check in vsl3
VSLW123 trả phòng ☊ (S) to check out vsl3
VSLW 45 trả phòng ☊ (S) to check-out (a hotel) [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 kiểm tra ☊ (S) to inspect, to check [ Basic Reading ]

VSLS Chào anh. Chiều này tôi muốn trả phòng. Hello (to a male). I want to check out this afternoon. vsl2
VSLS Vâng/Dạ. Cô định trả phòng lúc mấy giờ ạ? Yes. What time do you (to a female) plan to check out? vsl2