like: to attack
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VNEN công hãm * to attack *
VNEN công kích * to attack *
VNEN công phá * to attack *

all words:
VNEN công * (1) labor, effort, work
(2) (bank) account
(3) peacock
(4) duke
(5) wages, salary, pay
(6) fair, equal, just
(7) public, common
(8) to attack
VNEN công hãm * to attack *
VNEN công kích * to attack *
VNEN công phá * to attack *
VNEN công đồn * to attack an enemy post *
VNEN tấn công * to attack, assail, assault; attack, assault, offensive *
VNEN tập hậu * to attack in the rear *
VNEN tập kích * to attack by surprise *
VNEN xông tới tấn công * to rush forward to attack *
VNEN đả kích * to attack, criticize *
VNEN đột kích * surprise attack; to attack suddenly *

SNOT: to attack Relations with other people • war and peace

VSLW 45 tấn công ☊ (S) to attack [ Basic Reading ]

DUOS Chiến thuật phòng thủ tốt nhất là tấn công. the best defensive tactics is to attack. Military