like: to apply
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN bóp phanh * to apply the brake *
VNEN hãm phanh * to apply the brake *
VNEN tra * (1) to consult, look up
(2) to fit in
(3) to add
(4) to apply
VNEN xin việc * to apply for a job *
VNEN áp dụng kỹ thuật * to apply a method, technique *
VNEN đánh kem * to apply face-cream; cream *
VNEN đối * (1) couple
(2) to apply
(3) opposing, anti-
VNEN ứng dụng * to apply, use; application, (computer) program *

SNOT: to apply (for) Daily life • prospects

VSLW123 dự tuyển ☊ (S) to apply for vsl2
VSLW 45 xin (thị thực) ☊ (S) to apply for (a visa) [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 áp dụng ☊ (S) to apply [ Topic Reading ]