like: to answer
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN bái đáp * to answer respectfully *
VNEN cung ứng * to answer, fill a need, supply, furnish, provide *
VNEN giả lời * to answer, reply *
VNEN giải đáp * to answer (a question), reply, solve *
VNEN giải đáp thắc mắc * to answer, reply to a question *
VNEN khó trả lời * hard to answer *
VNEN lơ đãng trả lời * to answer vaguely *
VNEN rằng * that; to answer, speak up *
VNEN trả lời * to answer, respond, reply *
VNEN trả lời cho câu hỏi * to answer a question *
VNEN trả lời câu hỏi * to answer a question *
VNEN trả lời mập mờ * to answer vaguely *
VNEN trả lời ngay * to answer right away *
VNEN trả lời điện thoại * to answer the phone *
VNEN đáp * (1) to land, take (a vehicle)
(2) to answer, reply
VNEN đáp ứng * to answer, respond, satisfy, fill a need, meet, comply with *
VNEN đáp ứng báo cáo * to answer a call (police) *
VNEN để đáp * to answer, respond; to satisfy *
VNEN đỡ lời * to answer for sb else, answer on sb’s behalf *
VNEN ắng cổ * keep silent (because one doesn’t know how to answer) *

GNOT: to answer Qualitative • expression
SNOT: to answer Relations with other people • correspondence

VSLW123 trả lời ☊ (S) to answer vsl1
VSLW 45 trả lời ☊ (S) to answer [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 giải đáp ☊ (S) answer, to answer (to explain) [ Topic Reading ]

DUOS Họ lưỡng lự và không muốn trả lời They hesitate and do not want to answer. Reduplicative Words 2

50L Trả lời * to answer 086