like: think
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



tư tư nghĩ, suy tư, tư tưởng, tư duy think

all words:
VNEN a tòng * to follow, imitate, act as (an accomplice) come around (to a way of thinking); accomplice *
VNEN bộ óc khủng long * dinosaur mentality, old way of thinking *
VNEN bụng bảo dạ * talk to oneself, think, reflect *
VNEN chẳng biết tính sao * to not know what to think *
VNEN chợt nghĩ * to think suddenly *
VNEN chứ sao * sure, how else, I should think so, of course *
VNEN coi thường * to disregard, despise, disrespect, think little of *
VNEN cá nhân tôi * personally (I feel, think, etc) *
VNEN cũng nghĩ vậy * to also think that way, agree *
VNEN giữ mồm giữ miệng * to think twice about speaking *
VNEN hoài niệm * to think of *
VNEN hoài tưởng * think longingly of one’s native village *
VNEN khinh miệt * think little and scorn *
VNEN khinh thị * despise, think very little of *
VNEN không biết tính sao * to not know what to think *
VNEN không nhiều như người ta tưởng * not as much as other people think *
VNEN liệu * (1) (rhetorical question maker)
(2) to think about, reflect, foresee
(3) material, ingredient
(4) to manage
VNEN liệu chừng * think about, consider *
VNEN lung * (1) careful (of thinking)
(2) cage [= lồng]
VNEN monh nhớ * to think of, miss *
VNEN mua thời giờ mà suy nghĩ * to win time to think *
VNEN nghiềm ngẫm * to ponder, reflect, think on *
VNEN nghĩ * to think *
VNEN nghĩ bụng * think to oneself *
VNEN nghĩ là * to think that *
VNEN nghĩ lại * to reconsider, rethink, have second thoughts, think back (on) *
VNEN nghĩ lầm * to think incorrectly, be mistaken *
VNEN nghĩ ra * to think out, figure out *
VNEN nghĩ ra một chuyện * to think of something, have an idea *
VNEN nghĩ ra một chuyện khác * to think up something else, come up with another idea *
VNEN nghĩ ra một kế hoạch * to think of a plan, come up with a plan *
VNEN nghĩ rằng * to think that *
VNEN nghĩ sao * to think how, think what (about) *
VNEN nghĩ thầm * to think (silently) *
VNEN nghĩ thế * to think that way *
VNEN nghĩ tới * to think that, think about *
VNEN nghĩ vẩn vơ * to think idly *
VNEN nghĩ vậy * to think that way, think thus *
VNEN nghĩ đến * to think about *
VNEN nghĩ đến một cái kế * to think of a plan, come up with a plan *
VNEN nghĩ đến đó * to think about that *
VNEN ngẫm * to ponder, reflect upon, think over, consider *
VNEN ngờ đâu * do not think, do not expect *
VNEN ngỡ * to believe, think *
VNEN nhanh nhảu đoảng * unthinking, reckless, rash, inconsiderate *
VNEN nhà tư tưởng * thinker *
VNEN như con thiêu thân * inconsiderately, thoughtlessly, unthinkingly *
VNEN nhận xét * observation; judgment; to judge, think, comment *
VNEN nhỉ * don’t you think?, isn’t it?, I wonder ... *
VNEN nhớ tiếc * think with deep regret of *
VNEN nhớ tiếc con người tài hoa * to think with deep of a talented person *
VNEN những tư tưởng lớn gặp nhau * great minds think alike *
VNEN nếp suy nghĩ * a way of thinking *
VNEN quan niệm * to think, believe; idea, concept *
VNEN rẻ rúng * think little of, slight, hold cheap *
VNEN suy * to consider, think, reflect; to decline, weaken *
VNEN suy gẫm * to think over; thought(s), opinion *
VNEN suy luận * to reason, think, deduce; reasoning *
VNEN suy nghĩ * to consider, think, reflect; idea, consideration *
VNEN suy nghĩ cho kỹ * to think carefully *
VNEN suy nghĩ kỹ * to think, consider carefully *
VNEN suy nghĩ lung lắm * to think very carefully *
VNEN suy nghĩ một chút * to think for a moment *
VNEN suy nghĩ một lúc * to think for a moment *
VNEN suy nghĩ thật mau * to think (very) fast *
VNEN suy nghĩ về * to think about *
VNEN suy nghĩ đến * to think about *
VNEN suy ngẫm * to think, reflect, consider *
VNEN suy tính * to think, consider, calculate *
VNEN suy tư * meditation, reflection, contemplation; to think, reflect, consider; pensive *
VNEN suy tưởng * to ponder, think over, consider carefully *
VNEN suy xét * to consider, weigh, think out *
VNEN sáng suốt * clear headed, clear sighted, clear thinking *
VNEN theo tôi nghĩ * I think, my idea or plan is *
VNEN theo ý tôi * in my opinion, I think, I feel *
VNEN thiết nghĩ * to think *
VNEN thiết tưởng * to think *
VNEN thầm nghĩ * to think to oneself *
VNEN trong mơ màng * absently, dreamingly, without thinking *
VNEN trông gà hóa cuốc * to believe or think (that) the moon is *
VNEN trọng * heavy, important; to think high of, hold in esteem *
VNEN tâm niệm * to think that, have a feeling *
VNEN tâm niệm rằng * to think that, have a feeling that *
VNEN tính nết * nature, character, trait, way of thinking *
VNEN tính sao * what does one think? *
VNEN tôi cũng nghĩ như anh * I think like you *
VNEN tùy ý mày * whatever you think *
VNEN tư duy * thought, thinking *
VNEN tư tường gia * thinker *
VNEN tưởng * to believe, imagine, think (incorrectly); huge, enormous *
VNEN tưởng là * to think that *
VNEN tưởng nghĩa * to think *
VNEN tưởng niệm * to think, reflect on *
VNEN tưởng tượng đến * to imagine, think about *
VNEN tưởng vậy * to think so, think like that *
VNEN tưởng vọng * hope, desire, think of somebody *
VNEN u tư * to ponder, think deeply *
VNEN vật biết suy tư * a thinking animal, man *
VNEN vọng cổ * think of the past, name of a traditional tune *
VNEN vụng nghĩ * to lack straight thinking *
VNEN vụng suy * to lack straight thinking *
VNEN đoái tưởng * to think of *
VNEN đề cao * to uphold, raise, heighten, think highly of *

GNOT: to think Qualitative • reflection, intuition

A1 think (v.)

OXF3000: nghĩ think
OXF3000N nghĩ suy nghĩ think

BNC6000 : think [ Rank: 64 ] v 👪

OPD : Think about the assignment. English Composition

FN: think v Awareness
FN: think v Cogitation
FN: think v Opinion
FN: think v Regard

VSLW123 nghĩ ☊ (S) to think vsl2
VSLW123 ai mà ngờ ☊ (S) who would think vsl3
VSLW123 suy nghĩ ☊ (S) to think vsl3
VSLW123 suy nghĩ ☊ (S) to think vsl3
VSLW123 suy nghĩ ☊ (S) to think vsl3
VSLW123 suy nghĩ ☊ (S) to think vsl3
VSLW 45 cho là ☊ (S) to think [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 67 tư duy cởi trói ☊ (S) untied mentality / thinking [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 tâm niệm ☊ (S) to ponder, to think unceasingly [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 tư duy ☊ (S) thinking / thought [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 lối mòn suy nghĩ ☊ (S) old way of thinking [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Xin lỗi, bà thấy nhà này thế nào? Excuse me, what do you (to a female) think about this house? vsl2
VSLS Tôi thấy các phòng ngủ rất đẹp I think the bedrooms are very beautiful. vsl2
VSLS Chị có thấy như thế/vậy không? Do you (to a female) think so? vsl2
VSLS Ồ, Lan nghĩ sắc đẹp không phải là tất cả. Oh, I don't think that beauty means everything. vsl2

DUOS I think, she loves me. Verbs 1
DUOS Tôi nghĩ đứa trẻ muốn ăn phở. I think the child wants to eat pho. Verbs 1
DUOS They start to think. Verbs 1
DUOS Tôi nghĩ nó không hay. I think it is not interesting. Adjectives 1
DUOS Nghĩ tích cực. Think positive. Adjectives 1
DUOS Tôi không nghĩ họ thất bại. I do not think they fail. Verbs 2
DUOS Bạn nghĩ cô ấy bao nhiêu tuổi? How old do you think she is? Dates and Time
DUOS Ăn ít hơn, nghĩ nhiều hơn Eat less, think more. Comparison
DUOS Tôi nghĩ đến cô ấy mỗi ngày. I think about her every day. Prepositions 1
DUOS He does not think about tomorrow. (of) Prepositions 1
DUOS Tôi nghĩ tôi cần luyện tập nhiều hơn. I think I need to practice more. Verbs 2.5
DUOS Khi cô ấy trở lại, cô ấy hạnh phúc hơn tôi nghĩ. When she returns, she is happier than I think. Verbs 2.5
DUOS Đôi khi tôi nghĩ tôi là một con mèo. Sometimes I think I am a cat. Frequency
DUOS Toi nghi vay nen toi ton tai I think therefore I exist. Conjunctions 2
DUOS Người đàn ông này cũng nghĩ như chúng tôi. This man also thinks like us. Conjunctions 2
DUOS Tôi không nghĩ mạng xã hội đó là một mối đe doạ. I do not think that social network is a threat. Politics
DUOS Tôi nghĩ bạn cần một sự điều trị đặc biệt. I think you need a special treatment. Medical
DUOS Tôi nghĩ con mèo của tôi có vũ khí hạt nhân. i think my cat has nuclear weapons. Military
DUOS Tôi luôn muốn gắt gỏng một ai đó mỗi khi tôi nghĩ về con khỉ đó. I always wants to scold someone whenever I think about that monkey. Reduplicative Words
DUOS Tôi không nghĩ anh ấy là một người dở hơi. I do not think he is a screwball. Informal Expressions

50L Tôi thấy bạn nói rất là giỏi. * I think you speak very well. 025
50L Tôi nghĩ rằng đây là chỗ của tôi. * I think this is my seat. 036
50L Tôi nghĩ rằng bạn ngồi nhầm chỗ của tôi. * I think you’re sitting in my seat. 036
50L Tôi đoán rằng nó cũ rồi. * I think that it is old. 093
50L Bạn thấy vậy sao? * Do you think so? 093
50L Bạn thật nghĩ vậy sao? * Do you really think so? 093
50L Tôi nghĩ rằng anh ấy cần bác sĩ. * I think he needs a doctor. 094
50L Tôi nghĩ rằng anh ấy bị ốm. * I think he is ill. 094
50L Tôi nghĩ rằng anh ấy đang ngủ. * I think he is sleeping now. 094
50L Tôi tự hỏi, liệu anh ấy có nghĩ đến tôi không. * I wonder if he thinks about me. 095
50L Liệu anh ấy có nghĩ đến tôi không? * Maybe he thinks of me? 095