like: thick
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VNEN dày * thick *

all words:
VNEN bán hậu tính * half thickness *
VNEN bùm tum * thicket, dense, thick *
VNEN bề dày * thickness, depth *
VNEN bờ bụi * hedge and bush, thick bush *
VNEN bụi * (1) dust, dusty
(2) mourning, grieving
(3) thicket, brush, shrub
VNEN bụi rậm * bush, brush, thicket *
VNEN chuối tây * banana (thick) *
VNEN cỏ rậm * thick grass, dense grass *
VNEN da dày * thick skin *
VNEN dày 62 trang * 62 pages thick *
VNEN dày * thick *
VNEN dày cộp * too thick, very thick *
VNEN dày dày * thick, full *
VNEN dày dặn * thick and densely made-up *
VNEN dày như mo nang * very thick *
VNEN dày sặc * thick, heavy *
VNEN dày đặc * heavy, thick, dense *
VNEN giấm bỗng * thickened vinegar *
VNEN ly giải chất nhầy * thickening of the mucus *
VNEN máu chảy ruột mềm * blood is thicker than water *
VNEN mít đặc * completely ignorant, thick-headed *
VNEN mật * (1) honey, molasses
(2) gall, bile
(3) secret, confidential, classified
(4) dense, thick, close, intimate
VNEN mặt dạn mày dày * brazen, shameless, thick-skinned *
VNEN mặt thịt * block-head, thick-headed *
VNEN một cuốn sách khá dày * a very thick book *
VNEN một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã * blood is thicker than water *
VNEN ngu si * stupid, thick-headed *
VNEN quánh * to be firm, thick *
VNEN quệt * to coat, spread, lay thickly *
VNEN râu hầm * a thick and short beard *
VNEN râu xồm * bushy beard, thick beard *
VNEN rậm * dense, thick, bushy *
VNEN rậm râu * thick beard *
VNEN rậm rì * thickly wooded, bushy *
VNEN rỗ chằng * thickly pock-marked *
VNEN rừng núi bạt ngàn * mountains and forests are thick and interminable *
VNEN rừng rậm * dense wood, thick forest *
VNEN sệt * very thick *
VNEN tay thước * cudgel, club, thick stick *
VNEN tròn trịa * plump, round, thick, buxom *
VNEN trúc chỉ * bamboo cudgel, bamboo thick stick *
VNEN tùm hum * thick, dense, branchy, leafy *
VNEN um * thick (smoke), vehement *
VNEN um tùm * luxuriant, thick, dense (vegetation) *
VNEN vô liêm sỉ * bold-faced, brazen-faced, thick-skinned, barefaced, shameless, indecent *
VNEN xối xả * fast and thick *
VNEN ám * (1) to bother, annoy, pester, worry
(2) to blacken, darken, stain; dark, obscure
(3) rice and boiled fish, thick fish soup
(4) to possess, obsess
VNEN đại ngàn * high mountain and thick forest, jungle *
VNEN đặc sệt * very thick, dense, thoroughly, genuinely *
VNEN độ dày * thickness *

GNOT: thick Spatial • size
GNOT: thickness Spatial • size

B1 thick (adj.)

OXF3000: dầy thick
OXF3000N dày đậm thick

OTOP: thick * Family and life stages Friends
OTOP: thick * Food and drink Texture of food
OTOP: thick * Personality and emotio Stupid

BNC6000 : thick [ Rank: 2052 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : thick [ Rank: 6185 ] adv 👪

OPD : thick book Describing Things

FN: thick a Dimension
FN: thick a Measurable_attributes

VSLW123 dày ☊ (S) thick vsl2
VSLW 45 dày dặn ☊ (S) thick, fully [ Basic Reading ]