like: teeth
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Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN bựa * food (in one’s teeth), tartar (teeth), smegma *
VNEN chân răng * fang, stump, root of the teeth *
VNEN cười nhe răng * to smile and show one’s teeth, grin *
VNEN cạo vôi * plaque removal (from teeth) *
VNEN cải mả * to bury in a permanent tomb; dirty (of teeth) *
VNEN ghê răng * set the teeth on edge *
VNEN giắt răng * get stuck between the teeth *
VNEN hàm giả * set of artificial teeth *
VNEN hàm răng * denture, set of teeth *
VNEN * (1) to cry out, shout
(2) overbite (teeth)
VNEN kẽ răng * space between teeth *
VNEN lộ xỉ * show one’s teeth and gums *
VNEN men răng * enamel of the teeth; ferment *
VNEN móm * having no teeth, toothless *
VNEN móm mém * completely toothless, having lost all one’s teeth *
VNEN mọc răng * to teeth; to grow teeth *
VNEN nghiến răng * to grind one’s teeth, clench one’s teeth *
VNEN nhe * to show one’s teeth *
VNEN nhe răng * to smile, show or bare one’s teeth *
VNEN nhuộm răng * to color one’s teeth black *
VNEN nhăn răng * bare one’s teeth, show one’s teeth *
VNEN nhằn * eat with one’s front teeth *
VNEN nhằn hạt dưa * to eat watermelon seeds with one’s front teeth *
VNEN nói dối như cuội * to lie through one’s teeth *
VNEN nước * country, nation, state; water, liquid (for drinking); gum(s) (flesh surrounding teeth) *
VNEN răng bừa * the teeth of a harrow *
VNEN răng trắng bóc * very white teeth *
VNEN răng vẩu * buck teeth *
VNEN sún răng * lacking teeth, toothless *
VNEN thuốc xỉa * black powder (for blackening teeth) *
VNEN toe toét * to show one’s teeth (when grinning, talking, etc.) *
VNEN trồng răng * to get false teeth *
VNEN vẩu * (of teeth) to project outwards; buck-toothed *
VNEN vẩu răng * to be buck toothed, have buck teeth *
VNEN àm răng khấp khểnh * to have unven teeth *
VNEN ê răng * to feel one’s teeth on edge *
VNEN đánh bò cạp * shiver from cold with teeth clattering *
VNEN đánh răng * to brush one’s teeth *

OPD : teething ring Childcare and Parenting
OPD : teeth Inside and Outside the Body
OPD : brush ... Teeth Personal Hygiene
OPD : floss ... Teeth Personal Hygiene
OPD : clean ... Teeth Dental Care

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