like: take one
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Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN bái biệt * to take one’s leave *
VNEN cáo từ * to say goodbye, take one’s leave *
VNEN dẫn dụ * to induce (someone) to take one’s advice *
VNEN liều mình * to risk or imperil or hazard or stake one’s life *
VNEN nghỉ năm * take one’s annual leave *
VNEN nghỉ đẻ * take one’s maternity live *
VNEN nghỉ ốm * take one’s sick leave *
VNEN phục lăn * be transported with admiration, take one’s hat off (to somebody) *
VNEN quyên sinh * to take one’s own life *
VNEN sọ * (1) skull, brain, cranium
(2) to take or mistake one thing for another
VNEN thăng đường * take one’s seat in the court *
VNEN từ từ * slow, leisurely; to take it slow, take one’s time, go slowly *
VNEN kiếu từ * to excuse oneself, take one’s leave *

OPD : Take one hour before eating. A Pharmacy