like: take
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all words:
VNEN Cứ từ từ * Take it easy *
VNEN Xin ông cứ coi * Please take a look *
VNEN biết lỗi * to know one’s mistakes, know what one did wrong *
VNEN biết ‎ ý * to realize, take a hint *
VNEN bái biệt * to take one’s leave *
VNEN báo cừu * to avenge, take vengeance *
VNEN báo oán * to avenge, take revenge *
VNEN báo phục * to avenge, take revenge *
VNEN báo thù * to avenge oneself, take revenge, take vengeance on *
VNEN bé cái nhầm * make a mistake *
VNEN bén hơi * take a fancy to, take to, get used to *
VNEN bén mùi * to get used to, grow accustomed to, take a liking to, become attached to *
VNEN bén rễ * to take root *
VNEN bê tha * to take to drinking and gambling *
VNEN bênh * to protect, defend, take the side of, support *
VNEN bòn rỉa * to steal, misappropriate, take illegally *
VNEN bóc lột * to exploit, rob, take advantage of, swindle *
VNEN bước đi * to go, take a step; go away! *
VNEN bảo trọng * to look after oneself, take care of oneself *
VNEN bắt * (1) to get, obtain, catch, seize, arrest, take, capture
(2) to forge, oblige, constrain, compel
VNEN bắt giam * to arrest, detain, lock up, imprison, take into custody, incarcerate *
VNEN bắt giữ * to arrest, take hostage, prisoner *
VNEN bắt lầm * to mistakenly arrest, false arrest *
VNEN bắt mạch * to take someone’s pulse *
VNEN bắt mồi * to take the bait, fall for the bait, be tempted *
VNEN bắt rễ * to take root-to pick out and train into a stalwart supporter *
VNEN bắt đầu thành hình * to begin to take shape *
VNEN bị bắt giữ * to be arrested, taken into custody *
VNEN bị lấy mất * to be stolen, be taken *
VNEN bị ngộ nhận * to be mistaken *
VNEN bị ăn đạn * to be shot, take a bullet *
VNEN bốc * (1) to rise, emanate
(2) to draw (a card), take with one’s fingers
(3) boxing
(4) to discharge, unload
(5) divine
VNEN bộ đội ẩn nấu trong rừng * the solders hide, take refuge in the jungle *
VNEN bớt xén * to take a rake-off, appropriate part of *
VNEN bứng * to lift, take up, uproot *
VNEN can dự * to be involved, participate, take part; involvement *
VNEN che * to cover, hide, take shelter *
VNEN chiếm * to occupy, take up, make up, seize, take possession, gain, usurp, win *
VNEN chiếm cứ * to occupy forcefully, take possession of, seize *
VNEN chiếm lĩnh * to appropriate, take possession of, conquer, vanquish *
VNEN chiết * (1) to deduct, take off, reduce
(2) to graft (a plant)
VNEN chiếu cố * to patronize, pay attention to, take care of, consider, make allowance for, patronize *
VNEN chiểu * to take into account, consider *
VNEN chuyến đi phải mất một ngày * the journey takes a day *
VNEN chuyển * to take, transfer, move, transmit, convert, change, pass, shift, switch (over) *
VNEN chuốc * to take pains to get, go to any lengths to get *
VNEN chăm sóc * care, attention, supervision; to see to, look after, take care of, attend on (upon), care for *
VNEN chạy chọt * to solicit, take steps *
VNEN chạy trốn * to take flight, run away, flee *
VNEN chấm phần * secure apart, stake out a part (of a legacy) *
VNEN chấp chiếm * seize, take as one’s won *
VNEN chớ chết * take care, be careful *
VNEN chở vào * to transport to, take (sb) to *
VNEN chở vào bệnh viện * to take someone to the hospital *
VNEN chở vào nhà thương * to take (sb) to the hospital *
VNEN chụp * to spring upon and seize; to take (photographs) *
VNEN chụp hình * to take a picture, take an x-ray *
VNEN chụp ảnh * to photograph, take a photograph of *
VNEN chụp ảnh từ trên không * to take aerial photographs *
VNEN chụp ếch * to come a cropper, take a tumble *
VNEN chủ tọa * to preside over, take the chair *
VNEN coi sóc * to look after, take care of, supervise, mind *
VNEN coi thử * to take a look, try out *
VNEN coi xem * to take a look, check out *
VNEN cuốn xéo * make off, run away, take to one’s heels, bolt, do a punk *
VNEN cáng đáng * to take charge of, assume the responsibility for, undertake, take on *
VNEN cáng đáng vai trò * to take on a role *
VNEN cáo biệt * to take leave, say goodbye *
VNEN cáo lui * to ask permission, take leave *
VNEN cáo từ * to say goodbye, take one’s leave *
VNEN có biện pháp * to have, take measures *
VNEN có hiệu lực * to be valid, effective, take effect, come into effect, be in force *
VNEN có lỗi * to be in error, be wrong, be mistaken *
VNEN có mắc đái * to have to pee, have to urinate, have to take a leak *
VNEN cơm bụi * meal taken at an inn (usually with cheap price) *
VNEN cơm hàng * meal taken at an inn *
VNEN cưới chạy tang * wedding which takes place ahead of schedule *
VNEN cướp lấy * to take (by theft) *
VNEN cướp sống * take away by force *
VNEN cất bút * take a brush *
VNEN cất cánh * to take off (plane) *
VNEN cất đi * to put away, take away *
VNEN cầm * (1) to hold, take hold of, arrest, capture
(2) to pawn
(3) guitar, lute, musical instrument
(4) bird
VNEN cầm lái * to drive (a car), land (a plane), take the helm, be at the wheel *
VNEN cầm lấy * to (hold and) take *
VNEN cầm nhầm * to take by mistake *
VNEN cầm đầu * to (take the) lead, be the head of *
VNEN cắm ruộng * stake out fields (said of a debtor) *
VNEN cắm đất * stake out land (of a debtor) *
VNEN cắt chỉ * to take out stitches *
VNEN cặp nhiệt * to take temperature (of a patient); clinical thermometer *
VNEN cặp sốt * clinical thermometer; to take someone’s temperature *
VNEN cọc * stake, post, stack (of coins) *
VNEN cổi * (1) to take away, take off, undress, strip
(2) see cởi
VNEN cởi * to take off, loosen, unfasten, unwrap *
VNEN cởi giày ra * to take off one's shoes *
VNEN cởi giầy * to take off one’s shoes *
VNEN cởi hết quần áo * to take off all of one’s clothes *
VNEN cởi quần * to take off one’s pants, get undressed *
VNEN cởi quần áo * to take off one’s clothes *
VNEN cởi ra * to unfasten, take off *
VNEN cởi ra áo * to take off clothes *
VNEN diễn * (1) relation
(2) to act, perform, take place; performance
VNEN diễn ra * to take place, occur, happen, unfold *
VNEN dung thân * to take refuge *
VNEN * (1) moderate, reserved
(2) to take care, spare, (3) to expect, foresee
VNEN dòm nom * observe, take care (of), keep one’s eyes (on) *
VNEN * to take, employ, use *
VNEN dưỡng thân * rest, have or take a rest; nourish one’s parents *
VNEN dạo gót * to take a walk *
VNEN dạo phố * to take a stroll *
VNEN dẫn * to guide, take, conduct, quote, cite; according to *
VNEN dẫn dụ * to induce (someone) to take one’s advice *
VNEN dẫn đầu * to lead (a crowd, a race), take the lead; leading *
VNEN dắt ra ngoài * to take outside, lead outside *
VNEN dễ bị trục trặc * to be easily mistaken *
VNEN dễ nhầm * easy to mistake, error-prone *
VNEN dụng công * to take pains (in carrying out research, in artistic creation) *
VNEN dự * to attend, be present, participate, take part *
VNEN dự chiến * take part in the fighting *
VNEN dự phần * to have a share in, take part in *
VNEN dự thí * to take an examination *
VNEN ghi chép * to write down, take a note *
VNEN giã từ * to take leave of *
VNEN giả thù * revenge oneself (upon for), take vengeance (on for), avenge *
VNEN giải lao * break, interval, rest; to take a rest *
VNEN giận hờn * to get mad, take offense *
VNEN giở * to take out, turn (book) *
VNEN giở nắp ra * to take off the lid *
VNEN giỡ * to take out, turn (to page in a book) *
VNEN giữ nhà * to keep up, take care of a house *
VNEN giữ sức khỏe * to take care of one’s health *
VNEN gán ghép * allot arbitrarily, force to take, coerce into accepting *
VNEN gánh vác * to take charge of ~, assume the responsibility for *
VNEN gây ngộ nhận * to cause a mistake *
VNEN gìn giữ * to conserve, take care of *
VNEN góp phần * to contribute, take part in, participate in *
VNEN gỡ mất * to remove, disconnect, take out *
VNEN hiểu nhầm ý ai * to mistake someone’s meaning *
VNEN hiểu theo nghĩa đen * to take something literally *
VNEN huyết thệ * take oath of alliance *
VNEN hành động gấp * to act fast, take urgent action *
VNEN hãy lấy thí dụ * (let’s) take for example *
VNEN hình thành * to take form or shape, come into being *
VNEN hít một hơi dài * to take a deep breath *
VNEN hóng mát * to take fresh air *
VNEN hút * to inhale, smoke, suck (air, smoke) absorb, take up (water) *
VNEN hút một hơi * to take a drag (on a cigarette, e.g.) *
VNEN hút một hơi thuốc lá * to take a drag on a cigarette *
VNEN hấp thu * to absorb, take in, receive, imbibe, inherit *
VNEN hất cẳng * supplant, oust and take the place of *
VNEN hỏa thiêu * to burn at the stake *
VNEN hồi tâm * realize one’s mistake after second thought *
VNEN hội thương * confer (with), take counsel (with), conference *
VNEN hớ * (1) to be overcharged, pay too much
(2) to blunder, make a mistake
VNEN hợp tác trong chương trình * to cooperate, take part in a plan *
VNEN khuyên giáo * take up a collection *
VNEN khéo * (1) skilled, talented
(2) be careful!, take care!
VNEN không màng * to have no, take no interest in *
VNEN khảo thí * give an take examinations *
VNEN khổ công * hard work,; to take great pains, work hard *
VNEN khởi xướng * to start, initiate, take the initiative *
VNEN ký chú * note down, take notes of, make careful recommendations to *
VNEN kế chân * take over someone’s job, replace somebody, succeed someone *
VNEN kế vị * to succeed the throne, take over *
VNEN kể tội * tell of someone’s mistakes, expose someone’s mistakes *
VNEN kịp * in time; to overtake, catch up with *
VNEN liều mình * to risk or imperil or hazard or stake one’s life *
VNEN liệu hồn * be careful, take care, look out *
VNEN lo cho * to take care of *
VNEN luân phiên * to alternate, take turns; alternating, rotating *
VNEN làm con tin * to take (sb) hostage *
VNEN làm lấy * to take up, start an action *
VNEN làm một ngụm * to take a swig *
VNEN làm một ngụm bia * to take a swig of beer *
VNEN lánh mình * hide, conceal oneself, seek shelter, find or take *
VNEN lâm bệnh * to fall ill, be taken ill, become sick *
VNEN lâu * long (of time); to take a long time *
VNEN lôi ra * to take out, pull out *
VNEN lùi lại một bước * to take a step back *
VNEN lăn tay * to fingerprint, take fingerprints, make fingerprints *
VNEN lạc quyền * make (take) up a collection, subscribe *
VNEN lấy * by, to, for oneself; to take adopt, charge a price; seize; to pick up, take, charge (a price) *
VNEN lấy ghế * to take a chair, seat, position *
VNEN lấy ghế tổng thống * to take the role of president *
VNEN lấy hết tiền * to take all of sb’s money, take all the money *
VNEN lấy lại * to take back, regain *
VNEN lấy mẫu vật * to take a sample; sampling *
VNEN lấy thế * to take up a position *
VNEN lấy thế bắn * to take up a firing position *
VNEN lấy tiền * to raise money, take money *
VNEN lấy tên * to take a name *
VNEN lấy từ * to take from *
VNEN lấy vợ * (of a man) to get married, take a wife *
VNEN lấy xuống * to take down *
VNEN lầm * wrong, mistaken *
VNEN lầm lẫn * to make a mistake, be mistaken, misjudge *
VNEN lầm lỗi * be at fault, make a mistake *
VNEN lầm lỡ * misguided, mistaken *
VNEN lầm lủi * mistaken, wrong, guilty *
VNEN lầm to * to be very wrong, be very mistaken *
VNEN lầm tưởng * to believe mistakenly *
VNEN lập lại * to reestablish, take up again, repeat, say again *
VNEN lặn lội * take pains, brave dangers, travel up hill and down dale, go *
VNEN lều chiếu * mat shed (for the students to take along at the *
VNEN lỗi * error, fault, mistake *
VNEN lỗi lầm * mistake, error, fault *
VNEN lỡ lầm * make a mistake, make a false step *
VNEN lỡ tay * unintentionally, inadvertently, accidentally, by mistake *
VNEN lỡ đường * lose way, take wrong route *
VNEN lỡm * to dupe, take in *
VNEN lợi dụng * to benefit, advantage, have the advantage of, take advantage of, avail oneself of *
VNEN lợi dụng cơ hội * to take advantage of an opportunity *
VNEN lợi dụng tình thế * to take advantage of a situation *
VNEN lợi dụng tình trạng * to take advantage of a situation *
VNEN minh thệ * vow, oath; to make or take an oath *
VNEN mê mải * to take (to), give oneself up (to), devote oneself to, be passionately fond (of), be absorbed in; infatuated *
VNEN móc tiền * to take money out of one’s pocket *
VNEN móc túi * to take something out of one’s pocket *
VNEN móc túi ra * to take out of one’s pocket *
VNEN mạo danh * assume another person’s name, take a false name, be an impostor *
VNEN mất * (1) to die, pass away, vanish
(2) to lose, spend, take (money, time)
VNEN mất bao nhiêu thì giờ * how long does it take *
VNEN mất hết một tháng * to take an entire month, cause one to lose an entire month *
VNEN mất khoảng * to take approximately *
VNEN mất một tiếng đồng hồ * to take (or waste) an hour *
VNEN mất một tuần * to take a week *
VNEN mất nhiều ngày * to take a few days *
VNEN mất độ hai ngày * to take about 2 days *
VNEN mắc đái * to have to pee, have to urinate, have to take a leak *
VNEN mắc ỉa * to have to defecate, have to take a shit *
VNEN mặc kệ * not to bother about ~, not to pay attention to ~, take *
VNEN mẹ nâng niu con * a mother that takes a loving care of her baby *
VNEN mếch lòng * to be offended, take offence *
VNEN mở nắp ra * to open a lid, take off a lid *
VNEN nghe sách * listen to lecture, take course *
VNEN nghe theo * listen and obey, obey, take (somebody’s) advice *
VNEN nghi gia * take care of one’s husband’s business *
VNEN nghiệm thu * to check and take over, put into operation; operational startup *
VNEN nghĩ lầm * to think incorrectly, be mistaken *
VNEN nghỉ mát * to go on holiday, take a vacation *
VNEN nghỉ ngơi * to (take a) rest, relax *
VNEN nghỉ năm * take one’s annual leave *
VNEN nghỉ sở * to take off work *
VNEN nghỉ trưa * take a siesta *
VNEN nghỉ đẻ * take one’s maternity live *
VNEN nghỉ ốm * take one’s sick leave *
VNEN ngã ngửa * fall on one’s back-be taken aback by something which comes as a *
VNEN ngó một cái * to take a look *
VNEN ngơ những khuyết điểm nhẹ cho ai * to ignore someone’s minor mistakes *
VNEN ngả mũ * to take off one’s hat *
VNEN ngảnh lại * turn back, turn one’s face (towards) take care (of) *
VNEN ngắm * to behold, view, gaze upon, contemplate; to take aim at *
VNEN ngộ nhận * to mistake, make a mistake *
VNEN ngủ chút * to sleep for a minute, take a nap *
VNEN ngủ một cái * to take a nap *
VNEN ngủ trưa * to take a nap after lunch, take an afternoon nap, take a siesta *
VNEN nhiếp ảnh * photography; to photograph, take a photograph *
VNEN nhà đòn * coffin shop, mortician’s office, undertaker’s office *
VNEN nhè * (1) to choose
(2) to whine, whimper
(3) aim (only at a given target)
(4) make use of, take advantage of
VNEN nhìn lại * to look back, look again, take another look *
VNEN nhìn qua một cái * to take a (single) look *
VNEN nhũng lạm * harass and take bribe *
VNEN nhấp giọng * take a sip *
VNEN nhấp giọng bằng nước chè * to take a sip of tea *
VNEN nhầm * to make a mistake; wrong *
VNEN nhậm * to accept, take (on) *
VNEN nhậm chức * to take (political) office, assume an appointment *
VNEN nhận công tác * to take a job, accept an assignment *
VNEN nhận lỗi * to admit one’s mistake or one’s fault *
VNEN nhận thầu * to contract, undertake *
VNEN nhận thực * to certify, attest, take responsibility for *
VNEN nhận trách nhiệm * to take responsibility *
VNEN nhận trách nhiệm về * to take responsibility for *
VNEN nhận việc * to take up a job, start a job, accept a job *
VNEN nhập cuộc * take part in, be an insider *
VNEN nhập cư * to immigrate, enter and take up residence *
VNEN nhằm * (1) in order to; mistakenly, incorrectly; on (a date)
(2) to fall
VNEN nhặt * small; to pick up, gather, collect, take; fast, quick *
VNEN nhẹ nợ * to have a load taken off one’s mind *
VNEN những bước thích hợp đã được thực hiện * appropriate steps were taken *
VNEN nom * to take a good look at, peer at, look, see *
VNEN nuôi * to nourish, feed, keep, bring up, take care of *
VNEN nuôi mèo * to have, take care of a cat *
VNEN nuôi thân * to take care of oneself, feed oneself *
VNEN nuôi trẻ em * to take care of, rear children *
VNEN náu * to hide, go into hiding, take refuge, seek shelter *
VNEN náu mặt * to take care not to show one’s face, conceal one’s hand *
VNEN nâng giấc * take great care of (elderly people) *
VNEN nâng niu * to fondle, pamper, caress, take loving care of *
VNEN nói lầm * to speak by mistake *
VNEN nói rào * take oratory precautions, be guarded in what one says *
VNEN núp * to hide, take cover *
VNEN nương náu * to shelter oneself, take refuge *
VNEN nắm * to grab, take, seize, hold, grasp; handful, fistful *
VNEN nắm chức * to take, hold an office *
VNEN nắm lấy tay * to take sb’s hand *
VNEN nắm quyền * to take, seize power *
VNEN nặng nợ * to owe heavy debts, take on too many debts, be heavily indebted to somebody *
VNEN nể mặt * to have regard for, show consideration for, take into consideration, allow *
VNEN nọc * venom, poison; stake, pile *
VNEN nối lời * take over the floor (from someone) *
VNEN nối nghiệp * to take over, take up, succeed a business *
VNEN nủa * to get revenge, take vengeance *
VNEN phát dẫn * (informal) carry out, take out *
VNEN phát khởi * to take initiative, make the first move, initiate *
VNEN phát nguyện * to take or swear an oath *
VNEN phát thệ * to take or swear an oath *
VNEN phòng bị * to take precautions against, be vigilant *
VNEN phù thịnh * take sides with (support) the influential people *
VNEN phạm * (1) to take
(2) to commit (a crime), offend
VNEN phạm lỗi * to make or commit an error, make a mistake, go wrong *
VNEN phải đúa * have taken a leaf from the book of, walk in the shoes of *
VNEN phụ trách * to undertake, assume responsibility for, be in charge of *
VNEN phục cừu * to take revenge *
VNEN phục dược * take medicines *
VNEN phục lăn * be transported with admiration, take one’s hat off (to somebody) *
VNEN phục thuốc * to take medications, self-medicate *
VNEN phục thù * to avenge, revenge oneself, have or take revenge *
VNEN qua mặt * to ignore; to overtake, pass *
VNEN quan tâm * to pay attention, take an interest, concern; interest (in something) *
VNEN quyên sinh * to take one’s own life *
VNEN quơ * to take, seize, gather *
VNEN ra công * to take trouble, pains *
VNEN ra sáng kiến * to take the initiative *
VNEN ra vẻ * to appear, take on the appearance of, put on *
VNEN rút chạy * withdraw and take flight *
VNEN rụt * to withdraw, take back *
VNEN sai lầm * to make a mistake, be mistaken; mistaken, incorrect, wrong; mistake *
VNEN sai lầm lớn * a big mistake, a serious mistake *
VNEN sai lầm nghiêm * to make a serious mistake, commit a grave error *
VNEN sai lầm nghiêm trọng * a serious mistake *
VNEN sai phạm * derogation-mistake, fault *
VNEN sai sót * error, mistake, shortcoming *
VNEN sàm sỡ * be too familiar, take liberties (with woman) *
VNEN săm soi * to take a good look at *
VNEN săn sóc * to look after, take care of, care for, attend to, nurse *
VNEN sơ sẩy * make a mistake *
VNEN sảy * to happen, occur, take place *
VNEN sẩy chân * to take a false step, trip *
VNEN sẽ xảy ra * will happen, will take place *
VNEN sọ * (1) skull, brain, cranium
(2) to take or mistake one thing for another
VNEN tay săn ảnh * paparazzi, person chasing celebrities in order to take pictures *
VNEN tha * to carry, bring, take with; to set free, release, forgive, pardon *
VNEN tham chính * to take part in politics *
VNEN tham dự * to participate, take part, attend; participation *
VNEN tham dự hội nghị * to take part in, participate in a conference *
VNEN tham dự hội nghị thượng đỉnh * to take part in a summit *
VNEN tham dự đại hội * to take part, participate in a congress *
VNEN tham gia * to adhere, participate, take part, contribute to, attend; contribution, participation *
VNEN tham gia chính quyền * to take part, play a role in the government, administration *
VNEN tham gia chương trình * to take part in a program *
VNEN tham gia phiên họp * to take part in a meeting *
VNEN tham gia quân đội * to take part, play a role in the military *
VNEN tham gia vào xã hội * to take part in society *
VNEN thay chân * to replace, take the place of *
VNEN thay vai trò * to take the place of, replace *
VNEN thi * to take an examination or a test, take part in contest or race, compete *
VNEN thi thử * to take a mock exam, have a practice test *
VNEN thu * (1) autumn
(2) to collect, gather, take in, record
VNEN thu dụng * to take on, employ *
VNEN thu nhận * to accept, admit, confess, collect, receive, admit, take in; income *
VNEN thành hình * to form up, take shape *
VNEN tháo * to dismantle, take apart, open, unwrap, untie, release, unbind *
VNEN tháo bỏ * to take off, remove, untie (and throw away) *
VNEN tháo rời * to take apart, take to pieces, disassemble *
VNEN thích * (1) to like
(2) (surname name taken by Buddhist monks)
VNEN thăm nom * visit, call on or upon, look after, take care of *
VNEN thăng đường * take one’s seat in the court *
VNEN thương hại * to pity, take pity on, have mercy on, compassion for *
VNEN thương xót * compassion; to have compassion for, take pity on *
VNEN thắt đáy * take in, contract, make narrower *
VNEN thừa * (1) left over, superfluous, extra
(2) to take advantage of
(3) to inherit
(4) to receive (from above)
(5) to take charge
(6) to help, assist
VNEN thừa cơ * to seize a chance, take advantage of an occasion *
VNEN thừa dịp * to use the occasion, take the opportunity *
VNEN thừa kế * to inherit, take over *
VNEN thừa lúc * to take opportunity *
VNEN thừa thế * to take advantage of the opportunity *
VNEN tiếp tế thực phẩm và nhiên liệu * to take on, load up on food and fuel *
VNEN tom góp * to collect, take *
VNEN tranh ăn * to take someone’s food *
VNEN tri quá * recognize one’s mistake *
VNEN tránh (gây) ngộ nhận * to avoid mistakes, errors *
VNEN tránh ngộ nhận * to avoid mistakes *
VNEN tròng tên * take an assumed name *
VNEN trót * entire, whole; (to do something) by mistake, accidentally *
VNEN trót dại * to make a mistake in doing something *
VNEN trông nom * to look after, take care of, overlook, supervise, administer *
VNEN trù chân * to take shelter, retreat *
VNEN trú * to take shelter; to live, dwell *
VNEN trú ẩn * to take refuge, find shelter; hidden, latent *
VNEN trúng độc * to be poisoned, take poison, poison *
VNEN trượt chân * one’s foot slips, take a false step, lose or miss *
VNEN trả thù * to take revenge, avenge, make reprisals, retaliate (against) *
VNEN trộm phép * to take the liberty of *
VNEN trừ phục * to take off or removal of mourning-clothes ceremony *
VNEN trừ thuế * to take out taxes, after tax *
VNEN tuyên thệ * to swear, vow, take an oath *
VNEN tuyên thệ nhận lãnh nhiệm vụ * to take a oath of office, swear into office *
VNEN tài trợ nhà * to finance a house, take out a mortgage *
VNEN tôi lo được * I can take care of it *
VNEN tước súng * to take sb’s gun, disarm sb *
VNEN tản bộ * to stroll, amble, take a walk *
VNEN tẩy * to erase, remove, take out *
VNEN tận dụng cơ hội * to take advantage of an opportunity *
VNEN tắm giặt * to take a bath and wash *
VNEN tắm gội * to take a bath and wash one’s hair, wash up *
VNEN tắm hơi * to take a steam bath *
VNEN tắm một cái * to take a shower, bath *
VNEN tắm một phát * to take a bath *
VNEN tắm táp * to take a bath *
VNEN tốn nhiều thời gian * to be time consuming, take a lot of time *
VNEN tội nghiệp * to pity, take pity on somebody *
VNEN từ từ * slow, leisurely; to take it slow, take one’s time, go slowly *
VNEN tự lấy biệt hiệu * to adopt, take on a name (for oneself) *
VNEN uống 3 viên thuốc * to take 3 pills *
VNEN uống * to drink, take (medicine) *
VNEN uống thuốc * to take medicine *
VNEN vay nợ * to borrow money, take out a loan *
VNEN vong mạng * risk, venture, take the risk, take risk, careless, reckless *
VNEN vui chân * to take pleasure or delight in walking *
VNEN vào cuộc * to take part, jump on the bandwagon *
VNEN vấp * to trip, stumble to flounder, make (mistakes) *
VNEN vấp váp * to make mistakes, flounder, blunder *
VNEN xe * automobile, vehicle; to transport, take *
VNEN xuống đường * to march, take to the streets *
VNEN xướng * (1) singer
(2) to take the initiative, make the first move, originate
VNEN xảy ra rất thường * to happen a lot, take place often *
VNEN án mạch * to check, feel, take someone’s pulse *
VNEN áp dụng biện pháp * to take measures, actions *
VNEN ăn (của) đút * to take, accept a bribe *
VNEN ăn * (1) to eat (away at), attack, corrode, cost; to attend, celebrate, take part in (a event where food is served)
(3) to earn illegally
VNEN ăn chẹt * to take unfair advantage of *
VNEN ăn hối lộ * to accept, receive, take a bribe *
VNEN ăn lễ * to take, accept a bribe *
VNEN ăn lời * to take a profit, be obedient *
VNEN ăn rễ * to root, take root *
VNEN ăn thể * to take an oath, swear brotherhood *
VNEN ăn yến * to take part in an imperial banquet *
VNEN ăn đút * to take bribes *
VNEN đa mang * to take on many jobs at the same time, set one’s mind on *
VNEN đem * to take, bring along, carry *
VNEN đem lại * to restore, return, bring back, take back *
VNEN đem theo * to carry about, bring along, take along *
VNEN đem về * to take in *
VNEN đem đi * to bring, take away *
VNEN đi bách bộ * to take a walk, stroll *
VNEN đi bộ * to go on foot, (take a) walk *
VNEN đi nghỉ * take (have) a rest, go to rest-spend one’s holiday *
VNEN đi theo vết xe đổ * to make mistakes, follow the wrong path *
VNEN đi thi * to take an exam *
VNEN đi tu * take the vow, go into a monastery, go into a nunnery *
VNEN đi tắt * to take a short-cut *
VNEN đi vòng * take a roundabout route *
VNEN đi xe tắc xi * take a taxi *
VNEN đi đúng đường * to take the correct path, move in the right direction *
VNEN đi đường bộ * to take a land route, go overland *
VNEN đi ỉa * to have a bowel movement, take a shit *
VNEN điểm danh * to call the roll or register, take roll-call *
VNEN đoái hoài * to deign, condescend, take notice of something *
VNEN đoạt * to seize, win (prize), grab, take by force *
VNEN đoạt khỏi tay * to snatch, take, wrest from someone’s hands *
VNEN đoạt ngôi * to assume, take on, win, usurp the throne *
VNEN đào tẩu * to flee, run away, take flight, defect *
VNEN đáo nhiệm * come and take up one’s duty, come and assume one’s responsibility *
VNEN đáp * (1) to land, take (a vehicle)
(2) to answer, reply
VNEN đáp xe lửa * to take a train *
VNEN đâm rễ * root, take root, strike root *
VNEN đã xảy ra * to have happened, have occurred, have taken place *
VNEN đình trú * take shelter *
VNEN đón rào * take all verbal precautions *
VNEN đóng cọc * drive in a stake *
VNEN đóng góp vào cụoc điều tra * to contribute to, take part in an investigation *
VNEN đăng trình * set off (on a journey), leave, take the road *
VNEN đưa * to take, give, conduct, lead, bring (something or someone) *
VNEN đưa lên bờ * to be taken to shore, taken ashore *
VNEN đưa ra tòa * to take to court *
VNEN đưa sang * to take someone (to a place) *
VNEN đưa về * to take sb home *
VNEN đảm * to bear, take *
VNEN đảm nhiệm * to bear, take responsibility, undertake *
VNEN đảm nhận * to assume, take on responsibility *
VNEN đảm trách * to be in charge of, be responsible for, take responsibility *
VNEN đảm đương * to take on, undertake *
VNEN đảo mắt một vòng * to take a look around *
VNEN đắc thế * take advantage of one’s favorable position *
VNEN đếm xỉa * to take notice of, take into account, take account of *
VNEN đề phòng * to prevent, take precautions *
VNEN để ý * to pay attention, regard, take notice of *
VNEN đổ đốn * go to the bad, take a bad turn *
VNEN đụt * dense, dull; to take cover, take shelter, shelter; imbecile, weak-minded, cowardly, fainthearted *
VNEN đừng nóng * don’t get mad, don’t get upset, take it easy *
VNEN ẩn * to hide, take shelter; hidden, concealed *
VNEN ẩn náu * to hide oneself, take shelter *
VNEN ẩn núp * to hide, conceal, shelter, take cover, take shelter, take refuge *
VNEN ẩn nấp * to conceal oneself, take shelter, hide oneself, take refuge *
VNEN kiếu từ * to excuse oneself, take one’s leave *
VNEN định cư Mỹ * to take up residence in the United States *

GNOT: to take place Existentia • occurrence, non-occurrence
GNOT: to take Spatial • direction
GNOT: to take away Spatial • direction
GNOT: to take Temporal • duration
GNOT: to take into account Qualitative • reflection, intuition
SNOT: to take a bath Daily life • at home
SNOT: to take a shower Daily life • at home
SNOT: to take drugs Relations with other people • crime and justice
SNOT: to take a course Education • education
SNOT: to take off (clothes) Shopping • clothes
SNOT: to take away Food and drink • eating and drinking out
SNOT: mistake Language • ability, understanding, expression

A1 take (v.)
B2 take (sth) over

OXF3000: lấy take
OXF3000N sự cầm nắm sự lấy take

OTOP: take * Culture Making films
OTOP: take * Education Exams and assessment
OTOP: take * Education Teaching and learning
OTOP: take * Travel and tourism Train and bus travel

BNC6000 : take [ Rank: 54 ] v 👪

OPD : Sit down. / Take a seat. A classroom
OPD : Take out a piece of papeer. Studying
OPD : Take notes. Succeeding in School
OPD : Erase the mistake. Succeeding in School
OPD : Correct the mistake. Succeeding in School
OPD : Take a break. A Day at School
OPD : take a shower Daily Routines
OPD : take the children to school , drop off the kids Daily Routines
OPD : take the bus to school Daily Routines
OPD : Take ownership. Finding a Home
OPD : take a nap Front ard House
OPD : take out the garbage Housework
OPD : take the order A Restaurant
OPD : Take in the pants. Making Alterations
OPD : take a shower Personal Hygiene
OPD : take a bath / bathe Personal Hygiene
OPD : take off / remove Personal Hygiene
OPD : Take with food or milk. A Pharmacy
OPD : Take one hour before eating. A Pharmacy
OPD : Do not take with dairy products. A Pharmacy
OPD : Take medicine. Taking Care of Your Health
OPD : take ... Temperature Medical Care
OPD : take x-rays Dental Care
OPD : Take a driver education course. Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
OPD : Take a written test. Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
OPD : Take a driver's training course. Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
OPD : take a citizenship test Civic Rights and Responsibilties
OPD : Take cover. Emergency Procedures
OPD : Take the car to a mechanic. Buying and Maintaining a Car
OPD : Take off. / Leave. An Airport
OPD : take care of children Job Skills
OPD : take a dictation Office Skills
OPD : take a message Office Skills
OPD : take a picture A Graduation
OPD : take a tour U.S National Parks

FN: take off v
FN: take someone's life
FN: take n Opinion
FN: take v Removing
FN: take v Ingest_substance
FN: take v Taking
FN: take v Bringing
FN: take v Ride_vehicle
FN: take v Taking_time
FN: take v Have_as_requirement
FN: take v Conquering
FN: take v Capacity
FN: take v Sex

VSLW123 ngủ trưa ☊ (S) to take afternoon naps vsl1
VSLW123 thi ☊ (S) to take an examination vsl1
VSLW123 mất ☊ (S) to take (time) vsl1
VSLW123 cứ ☊ (S) to take.. to keep doing vsl1
VSLW123 uống thuốc ☊ (S) to take medicine vsl2
VSLW123 nghỉ mát ☊ (S) to take vacation vsl2
VSLW123 chụp ( - ảnh) ☊ (S) to take photo of vsl2
VSLW123 lấy ☊ (S) to take vsl2
VSLW123 lỗi lầm ☊ (S) mistake, error vsl2
VSLW123 ghi chép ☊ (S) to take notes vsl2
VSLW123 uống thuốc ☊ (S) to take medicine vsl3
VSLW123 ăn tiền ☊ (S) to take bribes vsl3
VSLW123 ăn tiền ☊ (S) to take bribes vsl3
VSLW123 chở ☊ (S) to take someone vsl3
VSLW123 lo ☊ (S) take care of vsl3
VSLW123 chịu khó ☊ (S) to take pains, work hard vsl3
VSLW 45 thi ☊ (S) to take an examination [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 mất ☊ (S) it takes (time) ... [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 diễn ra ☊ (S) to take place [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 xét ☊ (S) to take into consideration [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 diễn ra ☊ (S) to take place [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 lợi dụng ☊ (S) to take advantage of [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tận dụng ☊ (S) to take full advantage of [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 chăm sóc ☊ (S) take care of [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 lợi dụng ☊ (S) to take advantage of [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 chủ động ☊ (S) to take the initiative [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 lợi dụng ☊ (S) to take advantage [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 phụng dưỡng ☊ (S) to take care of (one's parents), [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nổ lực ☊ (S) to take effort [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 cất cánh ☊ (S) to take off [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 lạm dụng ☊ (S) to take advantage [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 sự nhường nhịn ☊ (S) making concession, give and take [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 sĩ tử ☊ (S) test taker [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Đi bằng máy bay mất bao lâu? How long does it take to go by airplane? vsl1
VSLS Nếu đi bằng máy bay thì chỉ mất khoảng 1 tiếng thôi. If (you) go by airplane then it takes only about one hour. vsl1
VSLS Thì mất khoảng 12 tiếng. Anh có thể đi chuyến tối. Then it will take about 12 hours. You (to a male) possibly travel by night trip. vsl1
VSLS Anh muốn đi chuyến nào? Which one do you (to a male) want to take? vsl1
VSLS Mời ông xem thử ạ. Please (to a male) take a look. vsl2
VSLS Dạ, dùng cũng tốt lắm. Tôi mở cho ông xem thử nhé? Also quite good. I'll open for you (to a male) to take a look, all right? vsl2
VSLS Thế à? Anh đã uống thuốc chưa? Really? Did you (to a male) take some medicine yet? vsl2
VSLS Thế, chị định đi bằng phương tiện gì? So what means of transportation do you (to a female) plan to take? vsl2

DUOS Chúng tôi lấy một ly nước ép. We take a glass of juice. Verbs 1
DUOS Con khỉ lấy chiếc đồng hồ của tôi! The monkey takes my clock! Objects
DUOS Tôi lấy cá từ ngư dân đó. I take the fish from that fisherman. Jobs 1
DUOS tắm to take a shower Verbs 2.5
DUOS Mẹ của tôi chăm sóc tôi. My mother takes care of me. Medical
DUOS Thiên nhiên chăm sóc con người. Nature takes care of humans. Medical
DUOS chăm sóc take care Medical
DUOS Bạn nên chăm sóc sức khoẻ của mình. You should take care of your health. Medical
DUOS Bạn lấy mẫu vật đó ở đâu? Where do you take that sample? Science
DUOS Tôi có thể lấy hoá đơn không? Can I take the bill? Economics
DUOS Chúng tôi không lấy tiền từ quỹ này. We do not take money from this fund. Economics
DUOS Những người lính không thể nhắm. The soldiers cannot take aim. Military
DUOS Những du khách thích ăn cơm bụi hơn ăn ở một nhà hàng. The tourists like to eat meals taken from an inn more than eating in a res Informal Expressions
DUOS Cô ấy luôn ăn cơm bụi. She always eats meals taken from an inn. Informal Expressions
DUOS Cơm bụi meals taken from an inn Informal Expressions

50L Tôi vẫn có nhiều lỗi lắm. * I still make many mistakes. 025
50L Lần sau lấy xe tắc xi đi nhé! * Take a taxi next time! 026
50L Lần sau nhớ mang theo một cái ô / dù! * Take an umbrella with you next time! 026
50L Tốt, tôi lấy căn phòng này. * Fine, I’ll take the room. 029
50L Bàn này còn trống không? * Is this table taken? 031
50L Tôi muốn món gì mà không cần lâu. * I’d like something that won’t take much time. 032
50L Chuyến đi đến Berlin mất bao lâu? * How long does the journey to Berlin take? 036
50L Tôi có thể mang theo bao nhiêu hành lý? * How much luggage can I take? 037
50L Tôi phải đi tuyến xe buýt nào? * Which bus do I have to take? 038
50L Bạn đi lên trên bằng thang máy phải không? * Do you take the ski lift to the top? 039
50L Bạn rẽ trái góc đó. * Take a left at the corner. 042
50L Bạn cũng có thể đón xe buýt. * You can also take the bus. 042
50L Bạn cũng có thể đi bằng tàu điện luôn. * You can also take the tram. 042
50L Tốt nhất là bạn đi bằng tàu điện ngầm. * It is best if you take the underground / subway (am.). 042
50L Được phép chụp ảnh không? * Can one take photographs? 044
50L Chỗ này còn trống không? * Is this seat taken? 048
50L Nhớ mang theo kem chống nắng. * Take some suntan lotion with you. 049
50L Nhớ mang theo kính râm. * Take the sun-glasses with you. 049
50L Nhớ mang theo mũ. * Take the sun hat with you. 049
50L Bạn muốn mang theo bản đồ đường không? * Do you want to take a road map? 049
50L Bạn muốn có người hướng dẫn không? * Do you want to take a travel guide? 049
50L Bạn muốn mang theo ô / dù không? * Do you want to take an umbrella? 049
50L Nhớ đến quần, áo sơ mi, tất. * Remember to take pants, shirts and socks. 049
50L Nhớ đến ca vát, thắt lưng / dây lưng, áo khoác. * Remember to take ties, belts and sports jackets. 049
50L Nhớ đến quần áo ngủ và áo sơ mi. * Remember to take pyjamas, nightgowns and t-shirts. 049
50L Tôi lấy cái này. * I’ll take it. 056
50L Mời bạn ngồi trong phòng đợi. * Please take a seat in the waiting room. 059
50L Bao nhiêu lâu mới đến? * How long will it take to get there? 061
50L Tôi muốn chụp ảnh. * I want to take photographs. 071
50L Chúng tôi ngồi được không? * May we take a seat? 075
50L Lấy * to take 083
50L Tôi đã phải đi tắc xi. * I had to take a taxi. 084
50L Tại sao bạn đã đi tắc xi? * Why did you take a taxi? 088
50L Ai đã phải đi tàu hỏa? * Who had to take the train? 089
50L Tôi đã được phép lấy cho tôi một kẹo sô cô la có nhân. * I was allowed to take a chocolate. 090
50L Bạn đã được phép mang con chó vào khách sạn chưa? * Were you allowed to take the dog into the hotel? 090
50L Bạn cứ thong thả! * Take your time! 091
50L Bạn hãy cẩn thận / bảo trọng! * Take care of yourself! 092
50L Tôi sợ rằng chúng tôi phải lấy tắc xi. * I’m afraid we will have to take a taxi. 094
50L Chúng tôi đón tắc xi khi trời mưa. * We’ll take a taxi if it rains. 097
50L Anh ấy hoặc là đón xe buýt hoặc là đón tàu hỏa. * He’ll take either the bus or the train. 100