like: surname
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



tính tính họ surname

all words:
VNEN biểu * (1) table, chart, meter, scale, index
(2) to express, manifest, display, show, demonstrate
(3) to say, tell, order
(4) second degree near relatives of different surnames
(5) memorial to the king
VNEN thích * (1) to like
(2) (surname name taken by Buddhist monks)

SNOT: surname/family name Personal identification • name

A2 surname (n.) (especially BrE)

OXF3000: họ surname
OXF3000N họ surname

OTOP: surname * Family and life stages Names

FN: surname n Being_named

DUOS Họ không biết họ của tôi. They do not know my last name。 surname. Family